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Yellow alert! The risk of landslide, debris flow and other geological disasters in some areas of northern Shaanxi from August to September is high

(Data map)

Chinese Business News (Reporter Yang Zhiyao) On September 8, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Shaanxi Provincial Meteorological Bureau jointly released that it is expected that from 12:00 on September 8 to 12:00 on September 9, landslides and collapses will occur in Ansai District, Baota District, Fuxian County, Wuqi County, Yanchuan County, Yanchang County, Zhidan County, Zichang City, Hengshan District, Jingbian County, Mizhi County, Qingjian County, Suide County, Wubao County, Zizhou County, Yulin The risk of geological disasters such as debris flow is relatively high (yellow warning). All localities and relevant departments and units should strengthen inspection and troubleshooting, implement the front-line response mechanism, and spare no effort to do a good job in personnel safety transfer and risk avoidance. The above adjacent counties and districts also need to pay close attention.

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