Superior Shandong Cuisine ---- Braised Chicken

2014-09-10 10:33:52   Source: China Franchise Network   2253 people participated
  • Business scope: premium products
  • Number of stores: 526
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
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Qilu culture has a profound influence, and Shandong cuisine is also important to food culture! Among the eight major cuisines, Shandong cuisine is the first. In the Shandong cuisine culture of Zhoucun Ancient Shopping Mall, braised chicken in yellow is a typical representative. It started in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, and has experienced 300 years of trials and hardships. It is a real food treasure house!. The Analects of Confucius says, "You can't get tired of eating fine food, and you can't get tired of eating fine food." The dishes of braised chicken are broad and detailed, advocating delicacy, and paying more attention to dietotherapy and scientific catering methods.

The dishes of braised chicken with yellow sauce are heritage dishes, which have been eaten by the rich businessmen who came to the ancient mall to do business. The fault of braised chicken only appeared during the Cultural Revolution after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but the popular dishes have spread from household to household. Although they are not refined in the shop, the taste is still acceptable. In terms of technology, the best way to keep the stewed chicken alive is to make soup. "If you want to make the pot fragrant, nine ingredients are used to make the old soup" has become the only way to make the whole yellow braised chicken casserole dish. The cooking of the old soup is the traditional method of preparing the soup of Shandong cuisine. The duck, chicken, pig bone and pig elbow are boiled in the clear soup over a high fire. In addition to paying attention to food materials, there are three techniques in cooking soup. Meat tastes after a fierce fire, then it is cooked slowly for a long time, and then it is concentrated and boiled into sauce by a large fire. At present, this is the source of the stewed chicken rice sauce on the market! This is the kind of sauce that can't be compared with in the market. Everyone knows that good dishes must use good ingredients and techniques. This is the principle and truth!

In recent years, with the arrival of yellow braised chicken nationwide, yellow braised chicken attaches more importance to the development of health preserving casserole dishes. Based on the old Shandong cuisine, it improves the process, formulates standards, and transforms the entire process, which not only inherits the scientific catering culture of the old restaurant "one meat, one vegetable, and one porridge", but also facilitates replication, laying a solid foundation for the yellow braised chicken to go nationwide!

label: Shandong Cuisine Franchised Braised Chicken How much is the franchise fee for braised chicken Franchise fee for braised chicken rice
 Hefushun Stewing Pot
  • one thousand and ninety-eight people Focus on Chinese food
  • six thousand one hundred and thirty-seven people Consultation on Chinese food

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