Baidu Data Crowdsourcing User Service Agreement

1、 Parties

one point one Welcome to Baidu data crowdsourcing platform( , hereinafter referred to as the platform).

one point two In order to use Baidu data crowdsourcing platform services (hereinafter referred to as "this service"), please read and abide by Baidu Data Crowdsourcing User Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement") and Baidu Disclaimer( )Baidu Intellectual Property Statement( )Baidu Privacy Protection Statement( )And all kinds of rules that have been published or may be published in the future by Baidu data crowdsourcing platform. You must carefully read and fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the corresponding clauses that exempt or limit liability, as well as the separate agreements or rules for opening or using a service. All rules are an integral part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as the text of the agreement. Baidu crowdsourcing platform has the right to formulate and modify this agreement or various rules from time to time as required. Various rules will come into force after being issued and become a part of this agreement.

one point three In case of any addition, deletion or change to this agreement or rules and regulations, the platform will publish an announcement on the platform website and notify the user. If the user disagrees with the relevant changes, he must stop using the Service. The amended agreement or rules and regulations shall come into force automatically as soon as they are published. Logging in or continuing to use the Service means that the user accepts the revised agreement. Unless otherwise expressly stated, any new content that expands the scope or enhances the functions of the Service shall be subject to this Agreement.

one point four Please read all the service agreements carefully. If you have any questions, please consult the platform. Unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this agreement, you have no right to use the platform services. Your actions such as logging in, viewing and publishing information on this platform shall be deemed that you have read and agreed to the restrictions of this agreement.

2、 , User registration

two point one Users: All registered users or browsing users are users of this platform. Users must be natural persons with full civil capacity, or entities with legal business qualifications. If a person without civil capacity, a person with limited civil capacity, or an organization without business or specific business qualifications improperly registers as a user of the platform or engages in transactions beyond his civil rights or capacity, the service agreement between him and the platform is invalid from the beginning. The platform has the right to cancel the account and claim compensation.

two point two User registration: refers to that the user is bound by this agreement after filling in information according to the prompts on the platform page, reading and agreeing to this agreement and completing all registration procedures, or when the user actually uses the website services in other ways allowed by this platform. Users can use the user name provided or confirmed by them or other ways allowed by the company to enter the website as a means of login.

two point three The user's personal information is protected and will not be queried by any individual or organizational entity. Except for the inquiry by the state organ according to law, or the disclosure of the user's personal settings.

3、 Service content

three point one Baidu data crowdsourcing platform is a platform where users provide data and provide data services to users. This platform uses its powerful capabilities and technology to provide data services to users through data provided by users or data disclosed throughout the network.

three point two Users who provide data through this platform must strictly comply with laws and regulations, and be responsible for the legality of the data content provided. Prohibited behaviors of users, including but not limited to:

three point three Users shall be responsible for the legitimacy of the source of the data they provide, and shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, including but not limited to copyright, portrait rights and other rights and interests. The user guarantees that the data provided by him/her has legal ownership or use right or has no ownership or use right but is legally authorized. When providing data to the platform, users should sign the Data Authorization Commitment at the same time. The platform will not accept data obtained from unknown sources or illegal ways.

three point four The user agrees that the platform has the right to use or transfer the data provided to the platform to other third parties for use, including but not limited to research use or transfer to third parties for use, or reprocessing, development, production of data products or replication, dissemination, production and other commercial purposes. The platform has full access to the data provided by users within the legal scope.

three point five Users must abide by relevant laws and regulations when using the data provided by the platform, maintain the order and security of the Internet, and must not use data resources to engage in activities that endanger national security, social and public interests, or the legitimate rights and interests of others, or provide convenience for any act that violates laws and regulations. Prohibited acts include but are not limited to:

three point six Users should propose data services based on normal requests. The platform has the right to judge the intention of users to use data, and has the right to refuse services to malicious and other illegal users.

three point seven This platform has the right to legally use the data generated by users through this platform.

three point eight Users only have limited access to data (except the data of the source user), do not have the right to copy, disseminate, publish, translate, etc., and may not develop and produce products with this data. The user promises and guarantees that the data obtained from the platform will only be used for internal project research and shall not be resold or used for commercial purposes.

three point nine Limitation of liability:

4、 Change, interruption and termination of services

four point one The platform changes and amends the product content, price and relevant standards from time to time in combination with the actual situation, and notifies users in the form of publicity and/or announcement on the platform;

four point two When the platform needs to interrupt the service for a short time during server configuration and maintenance, the platform will send a notice in advance, and the user should understand this;

four point three The platform will not bear legal responsibility for the abnormal or interrupted service caused by the blocking of Internet access not caused by the platform, including but not limited to:

5、 Disclaimer

five point one In view of the particularity of computers and the Internet, users must bear the following risks that are beyond the control of the platform when using the services of the platform, and the platform will not bear legal liability in the following cases:

6、 Legal liability

six point one If the platform finds or receives complaints from others that the user violates the agreement, the platform has the right to delete and block the content posted to the platform by the user at any time without notice. If the circumstances are serious, the platform will also bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

six point two The user understands and agrees that the platform has the right to punish the acts violating the relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement in accordance with reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal actions against any person who violates the laws and regulations, and save relevant information to report to the relevant departments in accordance with the laws and regulations. The user shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom alone.

six point three The user understands and agrees that the user shall be independently liable for any claim, demand or loss claimed by a third party due to the user's violation of this Agreement or relevant service terms; If the platform suffers losses as a result, the user should also compensate.

7、 Supplementary Provisions

seven point one This agreement is signed in Haidian District, Beijing, the People's Republic of China.

seven point two The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China (excluding conflict laws).

seven point three Any dispute or controversy arising from this Agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation; If negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or controversy to the competent people's court in the place where this agreement is signed.

seven point four The headings of all clauses in this Agreement are for convenience of reading only, and have no actual meaning in themselves, and cannot be used as the basis for interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.