Why the 13th floor is the best geomantic omen? Uncover the new concept of high-rise residence

2024/05/13 13:19:41 Source: Fangtianxia Views (5554)

[Abstract] This paper probes into the concept of residential choice behind the hot topic of "why the 13th floor geomancy is the best", analyzes the advantages and challenges of high-rise housing, and the adaptation and evolution of modern geomancy concept in modern household life. The article reveals the new view of modern people on living environment and the modern interpretation of traditional geomancy cognition, and looks forward to the future trend of personalized and comfortable home environment.

Recently, the original online hot word "Why?" 13th floor The phenomenon of "Feng Shui is the best" has aroused extensive discussion, which reflects the new expectations and cognition of modern people on the living environment. In Chinese traditional culture, floor selection is often full of various considerations, while the development of modern cities is constantly challenging and updating this traditional concept. This article will take this topic as the starting point to explore High-rise residential The wisdom of choice, and its new trend in home life.

Charm and challenge of high-rise residence

In many choices High-rise residential Among the reasons, wide vision and fresh air are the most laudable advantages. 13th floor As a special floor, it can often surpass the surrounding buildings, providing residents with a broad perspective and less dust and noise interference. At the same time, higher position often means better natural ventilation, which can improve indoor air quality and reduce air conditioner Dependence has a positive effect. However, High-rise residential There are also challenges that cannot be ignored, such as Elevator. Dependence of, evacuation difficulties in emergency, etc. Therefore, it is particularly important to improve safety measures and emergency plans when choosing high-rise residential buildings.

The Evolution of Fengshui Concept in Modern Residence

For many Chinese families, feng shui has always been House selection One of the important factors to consider. 13th floor Although it is often considered unlucky in western culture, in modern society, this concept has gradually faded away. People began to pay more attention to the comfort and practicality of living than the traditional good or bad luck. modern Geomancy Its application tends to be more rational, emphasizing the harmony of space layout, the optimization of lighting and ventilation, and the emotional needs of residents. This change reflects the harmonious coexistence between the living environment and the needs of residents, and also shows the new concept of people in the pursuit of a better way of life.

To sum up, "Why 13th floor The discussion triggered by the original text of the hot word "Feng Shui is the best" is not only a curiosity about a specific floor, but also a microcosm of the changes in modern living concepts. High-rise residential The reason for its popularity is its unique living experience and modern interpretation of traditional geomancy cognition. In the future home selection, people will prefer personalized and comfortable living space, and their understanding of geomancy will continue to keep pace with the times and meet the needs of modern life.

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