Wenjiang District Yeqiang Gardening Farm
 Tourism planning and design

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Wenjiang District Yeqiang Gardening Farm
Address: Chengdu, Sichuan
Contact: Zhao Yeqiang
Zip code: 611131
Tel.: 028-82773025
Mobile: 13540222108
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I am a flower farmer in Wenjiang, Chengdu. Relying on the advantages of flowers and trees in Wenjiang, I often provide you with various flowers and seedlings. Efficient, honest and professional, to provide you with one-stop shopping service

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Product name Specifications Price (yuan) Company Update time remarks
Nandina Branches/clumps: 5 thick: 1cm, pole height: 80cm ten plant 2023-08-03 Nursery seedlings
Bitter bamboo Branches/clumps: 1 thick: 2cm, pole height: 400cm eight plant 2023-08-03 Nursery seedlings
Phoenix tail bamboo Branches/clumps: 10 thick: 1cm, pole height: 300cm thirty plant 2023-08-03 Nursery seedlings
triangle plum Length: 200cm eighteen plant 2023-08-03 Bag seedlings, specification: Qitengben
Rose Fujimoto Length: 120cm ten plant 2023-08-03 Bag seedlings with uniform specifications
rose Length: 150cm three plant 2023-08-03 Bag seedlings with uniform specifications
ivy Length: 40cm one plant 2023-08-03 Bag seedlings with uniform specifications
Honeysuckle Length: 150cm five plant 2023-08-03 Bag seedlings with uniform specifications
Wisteria Length: 200cm thirty plant 2023-08-03 Bag seedlings with uniform specifications
Mosaic vine Length: 60cm two plant 2023-08-03 Bag seedlings with uniform specifications
Jasmine Length: 50cm one plant 2023-08-03 Bag seedlings with uniform specifications
Spatholobus spatholobi Length: 200cm eight plant 2023-08-03 Bag seedlings with uniform specifications
Safflower jack Height: 100cm Crown diameter: 100cm seventy plant 2023-08-03 Nursery fine balls, with uniform specifications
Euonymus japonicus Height: 100cm Crown diameter: 100cm sixty plant 2023-08-03 Nursery fine balls, with uniform specifications
Tufted American red maple Height: 600cm Crown diameter: 400cm one thousand plant 2023-08-03 5-7 stems per clump, false planting
an acacia Height: 450cm, meter diameter: 8cm, crown diameter: 300cm, ground diameter: 9cm one hundred and eighty plant 2023-08-03 Nursery seedlings, complete in specifications, packed
Malus Halliana Height: 350cm, meter diameter: 5cm, crown diameter: 250cm, ground diameter: 6cm one hundred and twenty plant 2023-08-03 Nursery seedlings, complete in specifications, packed
Viburnum macrocephalum Height: 200cm Crown diameter: 150cm four hundred plant 2023-08-03 Nursery seedlings with uniform specifications. Install
Cotton rose Height: 350cm, meter diameter: 5cm, crown diameter: 300cm, ground diameter: 6cm forty-five plant 2023-08-03 Nursery seedlings with complete specifications
metasequoia Height: 600cm, meter diameter: 10cm, crown diameter: 300cm, ground diameter: 12cm two hundred and sixty plant 2023-08-03 Nursery seedlings, complete in specifications, packed
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