The results included in Sogou's wireless search include a large number of web pages on the PC side. Considering Sogou's search experience and the status quo of building wap stations, Sogou's wireless web page search has introduced wap pages into wireless search results through web wap rule replacement and wap sorting. If you have both PC&wap end sites, and their main contents are the same, you can submit web wap mapping rules or adaptive rules to Sogou using mobile adaptation tools.

  • It supports three adaptation types: pattern matching, url matching, and adaptive matching;
  • Each adaptation type supports two submission methods: submit a single rule and file link (only support txt and xml file formats);
  • If you need to modify the adaptation rules, please delete the original rules or files and resubmit them, or directly edit the new correspondence to overwrite the original rules;
  • The PC end web url results of the corresponding site in the search results of Sogou wireless web pages will be replaced with the corresponding wap url results according to the rules; The domain name below the search result summary after replacement will become the mobile domain name;
  • The total number of pattern rules submitted by each station cannot exceed 200, and the maximum number of URL pairs submitted is 20;
  • Submitting web wap mapping rules does not affect the website ranking and whether the index is included.
Please read carefully Mobile Adaptation Help So as not to cause the submission error of the adaptation rules to fail to take effect

The review cycle of mobile adaptation is generally 10 working days, please wait patiently!

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