Search Mobile Experience White Paper

In order to help you better improve the quality of resources, this guide focuses on "convenient access, friendly reading and interaction"

Smooth, closed-loop service ", to give you a detailed explanation of the experience specification of mobile landing page search.

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TOP 1 Q&A Initial Public Recruitment

Whether it is a well-known website, we media author or MCN organization, as long as you have authority and

High quality Q&A content, search for the first mass exposure within reach!

Click me to register

Education Lingxi Card video open cooperation

Education Lingxi Card is open to introduce high-quality audio and video resources, providing multiple scene traffic and multiple modes

And a complete operation guide to help ecological partners grow together!

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Business card products are newly launched!

Empowering enterprises to build small programs at low cost to obtain high-quality brand exposure

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Our advantages

  • Openness and connectivity

    Welcome all industry partners

    Jointly build ecological connection users

  • Flow and reserve

    Scenario solution

    Turn traffic into controllable assets

  • One stop management

    Zero threshold fast access

    Complete service closed-loop capability

  • Diversified realization

    Good advertisement sharing

    Deep consumption management mode

Fast access search scenario

Top1 Card "Zhizhi"

Lizhi is a high-quality and authoritative question and answer content that can be displayed in search
Top 1 products, including graphics, video, audio
Tools and other multi style special cards. For quality content producers
For example, you can get the corresponding traffic and brand by joining Litchi
Equal gain.

Platform College

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How to perform website verification

Website verification is an important operation link after the partner enters the platform. Only after the website verification is completed, can the website resources be managed and operated. Click to learn the detailed operation process of website verification

Cooperative settlement

How to query the inclusion index of a website

Website resources can be retrieved by users after being included and indexed by the search platform; The platform provides index query tools for partners to monitor the index of the website

Tool interpretation

Introduction to the rights and interests of Sogou

Sogou is a set of template framework specially developed by Sogou search engine for H5 website. After partners access the website content and transform it into Sogou landing page, they can obtain advertising revenue, user traffic growth, etc

Resource cooperation

Picture Viewer Call Help

In order to implement the ideal mobile search experience, the platform adds a new picture viewer component, which aims to help partners achieve low-cost functional access, and also provide users with a convenient and good browsing experience

Tool interpretation