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Chishi Township lights up the ferry safety light
09:24, November 24, 2023 Source: Ye Ling, reporter of Yunhe County Rong Media Center, Li Ling, correspondent, Ji Mingbo, editor: Chen Jie

"The ferry used to have no lights, but it was dark at night, especially in winter and rainy days, so it was not safe to travel. Now, with lights, it is convenient and safe to travel at night..." Recently, looking at lights, villagers near the Chishi ferry said with a smile.

Chishi Ferry is located in Chishi Township, Yunhe County, upstream of the Jinshuitan Reservoir. There are two six car passenger ferries and one 60 passenger ferry. The ferry route is from Chishi Wharf to Jianyuan Wharf. Two administrative villages are crossed on both sides. There are more than 500 permanent residents. The average daily ferry volume is about 350 person times at ordinary times and 450 person times on holidays. However, because the traffic on the north bank is only by water, the geographical location is relatively remote, and there is less flow of people, and Jianyuan Wharf on the north bank has no night navigation aids and lights, leading to greater security risks for people on the north bank to travel at night.

In order to further implement the spirit of the "Ten Million Project" and "Pujiang Experience" seminar held by the Party Committee of Zhejiang Port and Channel Management Center in Chishi Township, Yunhe County, the transportation department of the county, after understanding the night travel needs of the people at Chishi Ferry, immediately responded and acted quickly, and formulated the Emergency Night Navigation Safety Assurance Plan for Chishi Ferry (Chishi Jianyuan), Emergency night navigation lights and beacon lights are added to the wharves on both sides of the strait.

Today, 25 emergency night navigation lights and 2 beacon lights at Chishi Ferry have been completed and put into use. This means that the surrounding villagers have completely bid farewell to the history of travel in the dark. At the same time, through the intelligent transformation and upgrading of the wharf lighting, the intelligent control of lighting facilities by lighting software has been realized, further ensuring the safety of emergency night navigation of the masses.

With the continuous improvement of waterway transportation infrastructure and continuous optimization of travel conditions, more and more people enjoy the convenience brought by the development of transportation. In the next step, the county transportation department will continue to pay attention to the needs of the masses, understand their concerns, leverage the "great people's livelihood" with "micro practical things", and constantly promote the construction of beautiful waterways and beautiful villages, so that the masses can truly have a sense of happiness and gain that can be seen and touched.

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