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Yunhe No. 2 Middle School "Lunolin Academy" was established
09:23, October 27, 2023 Source: Ye Shanshan, reporter of Yunhe County Rong Media Center Editor: Chen Jie

On the afternoon of October 25, Yunhe No. 2 Middle School held the founding ceremony of "Lunolin Academy". Ye Xiaoyong, Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the County and supervisor of Yunhe No. 2 Middle School, attended the meeting.

At the ceremony, Ye Xiaoyong unveiled the "Lunolin Academy" together with Wu Huasheng, an outstanding local scholar, a tenured professor at the University of Hong Kong, the chairman of the Hong Kong Lishui Fellow Association, and a member of the CPPCC Zhejiang Provincial Committee.

It is understood that the establishment of "Lunolin Academy" aims to provide a growth platform for the cultivation of high-quality professional teachers, form a school-based training system for the construction of teachers, and boost the development of school education and teaching. After the establishment of Lunolin Academy, some excellent teachers from the school will be recruited to "Lunlin Academy" for training according to the characteristics of teachers and the needs of the school's development, focusing on improving the school's psychological education work, the construction of the class teacher team, the level of grade management, teachers' teaching and research, and the level of education and learning. Lunlin Academy has five classes, including grade management class, class management class, psychological education class, primary professional growth class and advanced class. At the same time, relying on four research platforms, namely Lunolin Teaching Language, Lunolin Lecture Forum, Lunolin Cup Classroom Competition and 52 Reading Club, we carried out activities such as teachers' reading sharing, teaching skills competition, education and teaching theory learning, teaching and research training, learning campus and class management skills, and provided services for teachers' teaching ability, teaching reform, and improvement of teaching and research ability.

To build and make good use of the academy as a platform for teacher growth, Ye Xiaoyong stressed that the academy should be famous and real. Pay close attention to the investigation of teachers' needs, put forward the implementation plan in time, actively connect with the curriculum resources, and avoid "going through the motions" and "starting without ending", so that research and learning can really be implemented to promote the improvement of the teachers' team. Let the Academy become the source of progress. Make full use of the platform to promote the equality, mutual benefit and wider exchange and learning of teachers, and take the methods of inviting in, going out and learning from each other to lead teachers to broaden their horizons, learn from others' strengths, and make up for weaknesses, so as to promote the growth of students and the new iteration of the education and teaching system with the improvement of individual teachers. Let the Academy be full of infinite possibilities. See the Academy as an open platform full of opportunities, challenges and inspiration, support speculative innovation, encourage the spark of thought, and turn the practice of Yunhe No. 2 Middle School into a replicable and promotable new experience of cloud and education step by step.

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