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Yunhe "Science and Technology Innovation Loan" Helps High quality Development of Technological Enterprises
09:07, October 16, 2023 Source: Lei Qian, reporter of Yunhe County Rong Media Center Editor: Chen Jie

A few days ago, the staff of the County Science and Technology Bureau and the Bank of Wenzhou Yunhe Sub branch walked into Zhejiang Jinertai Toys Co., Ltd. to bring preferential policies for the enterprise, and introduced the relevant information of "science and technology innovation loan" in detail. "Thank you very much to the county science and technology department. The science and technology financial service work is very well done. The 'science and technology innovation loan' is unsecured and unsecured, which has solved the financial difficulties for our enterprises." You Xiaowei, general manager of Zhejiang Jinertai Toys Co., Ltd., said that the "science and technology innovation loan" is like a timely rain, which really helps enterprises to rescue.

It is reported that in order to further improve scientific and technological financial services, the communication between the financial industry and enterprises will be strengthened to help enterprises develop in a green and high-quality way. In September this year, the county science and technology bureau, together with the big data and financial development center, launched a preferential enterprise policy for scientific and technological financial services, increased credit support for national high-tech enterprises, provincial technology-based SMEs and other scientific and technological innovation entities in the county, and encouraged the financial system to vigorously promote "science and technology innovation loans". Bank of Wenzhou Yunhe Sub branch took the lead in responding to the call to provide all-round financial services for enterprise development.

It is reported that the scientific and technological innovation entities in the county can borrow from the bank without mortgage and guarantee by virtue of their identity, and the annual rate is only 3.5%, which is the lowest interest rate in the city. At the same time, the "scientific and technological innovation loan" adopts credit revolving loan, which can be borrowed and returned at the same time, and flexible lending. By increasing scientific and technological financial support for enterprises, we will continue to improve the accuracy and directness of inclusive scientific and technological financial services and inject new momentum into Yunhe enterprises. "Less than a month after the launch of the 'science and technology innovation loan', more than 20 science and technology innovation enterprises have reached cooperation with Bank of Wenzhou, with a cumulative amount of more than 33 million yuan, and several enterprises are still in negotiations." Chen Huawei, president of Yunhe Sub branch of Bank of Wenzhou, said.

In the next step, the county science and technology bureau will continue to give play to the joint efforts of service innovative enterprises, continue to deepen science and technology financial services, be a good "guide" for enterprises, maximize policy support for enterprises, help enterprises to relieve difficulties, effectively reduce the economic burden of enterprises, spare no effort to ensure enterprise development, and strive to contribute to high-quality development of county economy and society.

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