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Cloud and Wood Play Has a New "Play Method"
10:10, August 28, 2023 Source: Yunhe County Rong Media Center reporter Yu Haiyou Editor: Chen Jie

Recently, in the exhibition hall of Zhejiang Hexin Toys Group Co., Ltd., the company's new media operation and maintenance personnel are busy shooting product information. Not long ago, the company launched a new children's building block that won't fade. Through the operation and promotion of multiple online social networking platforms, the company has gained a large number of young parents' attention.

"As for the previous coating of building blocks, technology cannot guarantee that the products will not fade or fade after coating. This is also a concern of many parents when buying building block toys." According to He Bin, president of Zhejiang Hexin Toys Group Co., Ltd., after the launch of this series of products produced by the company, the market feedback is good. Because this new coating technology has reached the standards of California and Germany, consumers can rest assured.

With the development of society and the progress of the times, the types of goods that society can provide are more and more abundant, and consumers' requirements and expectations for goods are more diversified and personalized. In recent years, the traditional advantageous industry of wooden toys in our county has also taken active action to achieve high-quality leapfrog development of the industry by constantly innovating products, embracing the Internet, creating consumer demand and other ways. Zhejiang Hexin Toy Group Co., Ltd. is one of them.

Zhejiang Hexin Toy Group Co., Ltd., founded in 1973, is one of the earliest wooden toy manufacturers in China. Through 50 years of innovative development, the enterprise has developed from the original processing type of "technology market outside, production inside" into an independent innovative enterprise that now has many independent brands and more than 100 patents, such as "Muwan Family", "Bihao" and "Aimu". In recent years, the enterprise has also launched the Guofeng series mortise and tenon building blocks to let consumers meet the mortise and tenon structure buildings that have been handed down for thousands of years in China in the form of wood games, and spread Chinese traditional architectural culture to the world. "In fact, wooden materials have a strong affinity, and wooden toys are also loved by consumers of all ages, such as ornaments for young people, toys for the elderly, and teaching aids in preschool education scenes. Yunhe wooden toys can't be limited to children's toys. We can improve the added value of wooden toys through innovation, develop and design toys of different categories, and push Made in China to create in China. " He Bin said.

The development history of Hexin Toys is also a microcosm of the innovation and change of Yunhe wooden toy industry. In recent years, Yunhe has continued to explore new markets by entering stores, communities, schools, elderly care institutions and sporting goods stores. By carrying out the reform of "full chain protection of intellectual property rights" in Yunhe and Muwa, up to now, the county has cultivated 44 model enterprises of intellectual property rights in Muwa, 10 enterprises implementing intellectual property standards, and 1111 Muwa patents in 2022, Guide and help Woodplay enterprises to transform and innovate.

"We hold a wooden toy creative design contest every year, which has been held for 6 times so far. At present, we are building a wooden toy innovative service complex with high specifications." Wang Changrong, director of the Office of the Leading Group for High Quality Development of the County's wooden toy industry, said that innovation is the main engine of industrial development. Next, our county will introduce the policy of "one policy for one industry" in product research and development, brand building, market development and other aspects to provide elements for high-quality development of the wood game industry.

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