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Resolution of the Second Session of the 17th People's Congress of Yunhe County on the Work Report of the Government
09:15, February 13, 2023 Source: Yunhe County Rong Media Center Editor: Chen Jie

(Adopted at the second plenary meeting of the second session of the 17th People's Congress of Yunhe County on February 10, 2023)

The second session of the 17th People's Congress of Yunhe County heard and examined the government work report made by the county magistrate Zhou Hongfei on behalf of the county people's government. The meeting fully affirmed the work done and results achieved by the county people's government in the past year, agreed with the main goals, tasks and measures of the county's economic and social development in 2023 proposed in the report, and decided to approve the report.

The meeting held that 2022 is an extraordinary year. Affected by the impact of the epidemic and the complex and changeable external situation, Yunhe County's economic development is facing unprecedented difficulties and challenges. Over the past year, under the correct leadership of the county party committee and the county government, we have united and led the people of the county, conscientiously implemented the major decisions and arrangements of the central, provincial and municipal party committees, comprehensively coordinated the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, and made every effort to grasp the dynamic balance of multiple goals of "preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and ensuring safe development", in the face of challenges We overcame the difficulties and achieved the beginning of a new model of urbanization and common prosperity in mountainous counties across the country.

The meeting pointed out that 2023 is the first year to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the key year to implement the "14th Five Year Plan", and the year when the construction of a new model of urbanization and common prosperity in mountainous counties across the country is in full swing. The whole county should work hard to achieve the grand goal of fairy tales.

The meeting decided that the main expected goals of the economic and social development of our county in 2023 are to ensure that the gross regional product will exceed 10 billion yuan and strive to increase by 6.5%, the general public budget revenue will increase by 6%, the industrial added value above designated size will increase by more than 8%, the fixed asset investment will increase by more than 15%, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents will increase by 7% and 10% respectively.

The meeting stressed that the government work in 2023 should hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, constantly meet the aspirations of the people of the county for a better life, and accelerate the promotion of high-quality development to achieve new breakthroughs and achieve new leaps.

The meeting called on the people of the county to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, under the strong leadership of the provincial, municipal and county Party committees, guided by the spirit of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and to work hard to become a "progressive teacher" in the new era, so as to accelerate the struggle for a new model of urbanization and common prosperity in mountainous counties across the country, Write a new chapter of Chinese modernization!

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