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How to add the check box of word document? Set

In the period of information content automation technology, in order to better grasp and sort out some basic information of customers, we usually choose the electronic device questionnaire method to collect the required data information, which is undoubtedly more convenient and convenient than the past paper questionnaire. In the questionnaire survey of electronic devices, what we most know is the single project selection and multiple selection for various difficult problems. Therefore, you often have to set this option as an optional check box and radio button, as shown in the following figure. However, how to set it? In fact, it can be controlled by the development environment in Word. Let's have a look at Xiao Bian's drill

How to shoot short video shots (novice production

Recently, many novices came to Infotech. How should novices start short videos? The sudden popularity of the short video We Media has made many authors of the graphic We Media confused. They have been writing articles all the time, and they don't know how to start the short video transition at once? Most newcomers to We Media, some of whom may never have access to We Media, and even want to shoot short videos without thinking about it. They don't know how to do short video We Media at all. Next, let's analyze how to start short video We Media? 1、 What do you want to do? In fact, you can refer to three directions: 1. Many of your hobbies are to others

Excel maximum function formula - ex

In Excel, the most convenient and fast way to analyze and calculate the scalar value is to apply the formula of the culvert number formula. How can we statistically analyze the low points and minimum limits in the data list? Let's introduce in detail two simple formula calculations, MAX (marked area) and MIN (marked area). First, open the spreadsheet for statistical analysis, for example, find the low point and the number of values in the sales volume: type the formula in E2 to calculate MAX (B2: B11) to search for the maximum value of the sales volume, as shown below: click Enter on the keyboard, and the E2 table will show the highest value 61349 in the data information, as shown in the figure

C language selective sorting code - c language three

Selecting sort, literally, is selecting elements in a series. For example, to give a group of arithmetical sequence, the elements must be arranged from small to large, so each arrangement only needs to select the least factors and place them in the first place of the arithmetical sequence. The second arrangement is the same as the third arrangement. Select the least factors from the following variables and put them at the end of the elements of the arrangement until there are no elements to be arranged. There are three points to be noted here: 1. The first arrangement is to parse all the encoding sequences of XML, and select the least factors to put first. 2. When the second arrangement is gradual, everyone parses the XML except the first element

How to connect a Bluetooth headset to a desktop computer - desktop

Many good friends want to equip wireless Bluetooth headsets when using computers, but they are not sure how to connect them. This article will discuss how to connect the wireless Bluetooth headset to the computer. Before talking about the process, let's talk about the type of wireless Bluetooth headset. There are three types of wireless Bluetooth headset: one has Bluetooth function, which must be matched with the Bluetooth function of the computer before it can be used; The other is a built-in signal receiver. Just plug the signal receiver into the USB interface on the computer, and you can immediately use the phone headset. This mobile phone headset is also called "wireless Bluetooth headset", which is a "wireless Bluetooth headset" using Bluetooth technology. Let's say

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