New Century Gospel Warrior, the last and

Shinji Ikari is the male owner of Japanese anime "Gospel Warrior Profession in the New Century" and its derivative works. It is a special driver and the third qualified person of EVA first aircraft. Not talkative, not good at communication. They are boys who are suspicious of the meaning of their own existence. Being ordered by his father who has been away for 10 years or more, driving safety E

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I haven't seen leaders who have humbly accepted remonstrance for so many years, and many of them have humbly accepted concubines.

Brave and good at fighting - New Century Gospel Warrior

 New Century Gospel Warrior

What is the truth about the original picture of the blue black or white gold skirt (experts explain the blue black or white gold skirt) - www.beibeidi. com

The color of the skirt after further overexposure tends to be "white+gold". The color of the skirt after correction exposure is "blue+black". It is obvious that the girl and the old lady duck and the rabbit frog and the horse flower and kiss yesterday, Weibo and WeChat were brushed by a skirt to argue about what it is

Where are the shortcut keys for Huawei mobile phone screen recording set? (Introduction to three methods of Huawei mobile phone screen recording)

Many friends still don't know how to record the screen on Huawei mobile phones. Today, I would like to share three simple and practical methods for recording the screen on Huawei mobile phones. If you are using Huawei mobile phones now, please follow me to look down. First, we all know that the shortcut key for screen capture is "power key+volume down"

Baokemeng, the legend of Arzeus, Soloan evolution (Soloan evolution map) - Understanding Cup Emperor evaluation network

What kind of treasure is Soloa? Let's have a look! Soroya (character: evil) is classified as a pure evil system because of its original shape and attribute association. Soroya is a bad character with a design similar to that of a small fox

Simple and full - if your appearance can be pasted on the door,

 New Century Gospel Warrior

In the eyes of your parents, you are unique, so no matter what setbacks you encounter, you should go your own way and be yourself! We believe that you can use your own efforts to prove that you are no worse than anyone!