thoroughly to remould oneself

He who has received thousands of times has a bright body.

without foundation

Marx believed that religion made people numb to the injustice of the world and made all living beings obey oppression.

A wealthy family

In the midst of the craze of Haoge, it was cold; See the abyss in heaven. Seeing nothing in all eyes; To be saved from hopelessness.

like a fishbone getting stuck in the throat -- necessary to give vent to one 's pent-up feelings

The father leans on his wife's shoulder and raises his children with his hands. The father always walks in front of life. He breaks thorns and flattens the rough terrain. In a small way, he carries his family and in a big way, he carries the world. Happy Father's Day to you.

Spine name: true white Aokana

The most painful thing is not that I failed, but that I could have.


The one who can catch your stem is not found, and the one who can understand you is not found. You make friends with those who can laugh with you. I saw a sentence before, "Don't look for someone who is good to you. Once he is bad to you, you have nothing."

Eucalyptus grandis

It's never the last straw that kills a camel

The sound of decadent can not be lost

"Change" is human nature, but some people still go against nature to love.

Secret love for Peng

I deleted all the mobile phones of a girl I like very much, and just cleared out 5.12GB of memory. The mobile phone's black screen card lasted more than ten minutes


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