packing 2019-11-08 2462 views

Jinsha River Product Packaging Design

Product packaging design concept: black bird with ear auspicious omen Originating from the ancient totem belief, the "wheat" in the oracle bone inscriptions originates from the "mystery", whose line is like a black bird spreading its wings and flying with ears. A note in Spiritual Oracle: "Maizi
packing 2019-06-17 1544 views

MCR ® Coffee Packaging Design

click to enlarge China's famous coffee supply brand MCR ® The coffee bag packaging design of the micro roasted coffee factory is newly launched. In terms of design, first of all, the unified brand logo of each coffee bean is considered but different
packing 2019-05-22 1220 views

Shift Coffee Packaging Design

click to enlarge Brand/project name: Shift by Toby's Estate Cost Roasters Designer: Melissa So Shift Coffee makes a very interesting packaging
packing 2019-05-17 2057 views

Packaging design of Wupai high-end tea set

click to enlarge Wupai - A package designed for the gift market, The new concept of "Greeting like meeting" has been extended from the ancients' "seeing a letter like meeting". The products are mainly high-end tea ware, and the tea room is clean and enlightening
packing 2019-03-03 2679 views

Story Tailor CD Album Packaging Design

Created a new music album for no11rooom, a music artist. The CD package is made entirely of paper, using A4 envelopes. The whole music album is composed of 6 items, such as CD box
packing 2015-04-19 2408 views

"Mockup" 8x26cm plastic bag prototype

This is the second mock up PSD for crows, which is made of a plastic bag (temporarily made of plastic). The prototype of the file is actually a vector file from abroad. MockUp 8 will be done during the copying process