Another free high-definition commercial image library artifact of "Cavllus"

Recommended 2021-09-11 2205 views 0 comments

Today's recommendation is comparable Zoommy This magic free software can also help you find all kinds of copyright free picture materials.

Most of the photos we usually see on the Internet have copyright restrictions on their use. The difference is whether you are aware of this problem. Many photos are not allowed to be used at will.

If you use them without obtaining the authorized information, you may be subject to claims from the copyright owner, resulting in unnecessary economic losses. The use of royalty free photos that are selflessly shared by many creators can help you avoid getting involved in photo copyright issues as much as possible, and avoid unnecessary economic losses to individuals or companies.

There are many websites that provide free copyright free pictures, and there are dozens of them at home and abroad. It's troublesome for us to remember one by one! And many websites are in English, so it will be more troublesome for people who do not know English to find something. Maybe it is impossible to find a satisfactory picture on a website for a long time.

This situation is a little thankless for designers.

This article wants to introduce a free software used by graphic designers to find copyright free picture materials Cavllus This is the same software as Zoommy, which allows you to easily find all kinds of copyright free pictures.

The Cavllus interface is very simple and has no redundant functions. The biggest advantage of Cavllus is that it does not require registration or payment.

It supports Chinese search and has built-in automatic translation function from Chinese to English. This is a very user-friendly and practical function for people who are not familiar with English. In Cavllus, if you want to find more image materials, you must search for keywords. At present, the software can search for images from world-famous copyright free image websites such as Pexelsh and Unsplash.

Right click an image to download its large image from the image publishing website and view the copyright information of the current image. You can use this image to download it from the image publishing website and view the copyright information of the current image. The copyright information is what you can do with this image and what you cannot do.

Having copyright information and being able to see copyright information are very important and useful functions for users.

After all, when you do something with a picture that you don't know what the copyright information is, you may be accused of infringing something if you are not careful.

It may be OK if you don't make money on the things you do, but if you make money on the things you do, you may be claimed. Copyright awareness is very important, but it is also terrible and frustrating.

This software is very interesting to view the copyright information of pictures. It does not provide you with information by itself. Instead, open the browser directly to visit the website where the image is published. We can see the original copyright information of the image.

It is very important for us to be able to trace the original copyright information for fear of infringement by using pictures. At least we don't need to worry about others saying that we have infringed something.

This is very interesting and useful software. If you need it, you can download it yourself.

How to download

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Extraction code: 1234



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