Wuyishan Guidong Cinnamomum cassia Youjue 20000 product packaging design

packing 2020-11-10 1922 views 0 comments

Project background:

This product is taken from Wuyi Mountain Guidong Cinnamon. The "Guidong" is located between the water drain pit, the flame peak, Huiyuan pit and Yingzui Rock, and is a deep canyon from low to high in the northwest.

Due to the unique terrain and topography, there are only air inlets but no air outlets here, which makes the wind flow through the valley to form a backflow "whirring" sound, like ghosts haunting, crying and howling.

In addition, there is less light here all year round, and the whole valley is particularly damp and dark. Few people come here. The temperature is lower than the outside world in the day or night, giving people a cold feeling. It was just such a winding path leading to seclusion that it was later called "ghost cave".

The word "You" itself shows the cool feeling of ghost holes with winding paths and few human tracks, and has an extremely strong sense of substitution. The hidden, profound and elegant meaning of the word corresponds to the characteristics of Guidong Cinnamomum Hill, and the unique and extreme meaning of the word "Jue" that no one can catch up with anymore corresponds to the scarcity of Guidong Cinnamomum.


Take the mountain type as the prototype. It expresses the unique scenery of mountain streams. The font echoes the lingering mountains and reconstructs the Chinese language.

The envelope is left blank on the plane to convey a quiet temperament. Through the movement of the pulling layer, it presents a continuous and quiet mountain stream slowly flowing and changing in the long river of time and space. The moire effect is an optical illusion produced by the intersection of parallel lines in the field of view. Using the principle of layered animation optical illusion, a three-dimensional two-dimensional animation image is created, Fuses the simulation frame by frame animation on the same plane image, and uses the mountain effect on the outer box package to make the mountains look like they are changing with the passage of time.

The interior design continues to use the elements of mountains, and constructs the space of mountain streams through the three-dimensional difference between the front and back mountain patterns. The tea box is among them, giving tea drinkers a metaphor of the hidden strange plants in the mountain streams.

The gloss feeling of black dark line drawing is selected to convey the valuable temperament of low-key and hidden mystery to consumers.

Source: BY-ENJOY DESIGN (WeChat: 15060062159)
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