"Webp2jpg" has no upload and can be used as an online tool for batch image format conversion

Recommended 2020-09-25 3338 views 2 comments

I believe you are familiar with the WebP format pictures. The compressed volume of the pictures in this format is only about 2/3 of that of JPEG, which can save a lot of server broadband resources and data space. Its advantages and disadvantages can be searched by yourself. I won't repeat them here.

The online tool recommended to you this time is to help you solve the needs of image format conversion:


It is an open source online image format conversion tool, which supports many image conversions, including webp animation format. It uses the browser itself to calculate and convert, without uploading any data, and supports batch processing.

The developer said:

I often need to convert webp images to jpg format, and many functions provided by online conversion need to upload files, which is unpleasant. There are non uploaded ones, but the UI is hard to use. Google learned that canvas. toBlob, which comes with the interface of html5, has the function of converting image formats, so it simply made its own webp2jpg online.

The characteristic of webp2jpg is that it supports webp and animation format, and because it does not need to upload any data, in addition to protecting privacy, it is also very fast (except for super low configuration old computers).

major function
  • No need to upload, use the browser itself for conversion
  • Batch conversion and output of webp, jpeg, png, base64, 8-bit png (experiment), gif dynamic graph (experiment), webp dynamic graph (experiment)
  • Output the specified size (webp, jpeg) (experiment)
  • Number of output colors (gif, png-8)
  • Options can be added or deleted and persisted
How to use

Just open webp2jpg:

https://renzhezhilu.gitee.io/webp2jpg-online/ Faster in China

Then drag the picture in, support mobile browser, select to load the picture. Then you need to adjust the format you want to output. Adjust the following parameters and image quality:

  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif
  • webp
  • Webp animation
  • png-8

That's all right.

The webp2jpg GitHub Open source.



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  1. Wang Lama

    Super easy to use, thanks!

    • Zhenai Moon Pass

      Yeah~Ha ha, it's too convenient.


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