20 Chinese style weak point marketing: we need to know what we want

Thinking&Planning 2015-02-22 1305 views 0 comments

What is weak point marketing?

According to New Weekly, "the spirit of the universe, the primate of all things" refers to human beings.

But in reality, there are also many weaknesses of human nature: greed, fear, jealousy, laziness, lust, greed for vanity, difficult to resist temptation, fear of loneliness, love for free, attach importance to grade, superstition experts, worship celebrities, like to drift with the tide... All weaknesses of human nature are being used and marketed by consumer society.

All marketing is weak point marketing, which is aimed at our inherent human weakness and the acquired secular judgment.

Think about your consumption because you are afraid of kidney deficiency, obesity, dark skin, illness, and falling behind, think about the discount goods you grabbed in the e-commerce war and the luxury goods you snapped up in Europe and America, think about the wardrobe you always lack a piece of clothes and the feet you can't find shoes, think about the hand you reach out to Taobao and the endless express delivery, think about the things you bought and the celebrity signature after reading the advertisement, Think about your history of being cheated on buying a house and managing money - your weaknesses have been marketed, your needs have been developed, and your desires have been met, which seems to be a win-win situation.

But why do you feel disappointed after consumption and regret after desire satisfaction?

Slavoy Zizek said: "We need to know what we want." What weakness marketing does is to guide people to always need and never meet. Thomas Sedracek, author of the Economics of Good and Evil, said to New Weekly: discontent has become an engine for our progress and growth, and it will also make us an engine that is never satisfied.

Human nature is hard to change, and marketing is omnipresent. If you want not to become the victim of weak marketing, you must have a strong heart and self cognition. But at that time, you will be able to successfully market other people's weaknesses, whether you are selling appliances or values.


Free Admission

Cheap, who can not be greedy?

As long as you have ever spent, you must have fallen into a trap in the discount and free trial activities of various merchants.

Although everyone knows that no pie will fall from the sky, under the signboard like "clearance, free, big sale, 50% off", when seeing something you may need, you will inevitably be enthusiastic. You can't be self-control excited, excited, and quickly persuade yourself to make unnecessary extra or excessive or advanced consumption.

"Buying mobile phones at zero" is the most common marketing method in this period of intense competition in the mobile phone market, which is aimed at people's greed for bargains. The word "zero yuan" has a blood pumping effect, which is enough to make some people forget that behind the zero consumption is that you need to pay the phone bill that you may not use up.

Is it cost-effective to buy a machine at zero? In fact, it doesn't matter. As long as you are tempted to flash this idea, you will have been calculated by the merchants.

Let's face it, no consumer has ever been shrewd.


VIP-Very Important Person

In 1776, the United States took off the hat of the British colonies and declared that all men are created equal; In the 1980s, when he was still an American, he used the phrase "Very important person" as the title of his email. Since then, VIPs have been widely used and people have been pulled back to the age of hierarchy.

In the business field, VIP originally refers to 20% of the people who have created 80% of the profits. They are directly related to the rise and fall of enterprises and the jobs of employees. Therefore, the enterprise takes good care of them, especially:

The VIP of the bank does not have to queue up;
The VIP of the airline has a separate lounge;
QQ VIP can kick people at will in the game hall.

It is these "small privileges" that have successfully satisfied the existing VIP's sense of superiority and become a powerful tool for enterprise promotion - subconsciously, people always want to be the privileged minority of the majority and rank higher in the social class.

Merchants take the opportunity to act as preachers, while taking value-added services as bait, and instilling in customers that "VIP is not born, everyone can become a VIP".

In 2011, a market research company once surveyed 500 consumers, 19% of whom had more than 5 VIP cards. In addition to the familiar monopoly industries, they also include clothing, catering, beauty, KTV, and even shoe repair shops. 29% of the respondents admitted that they earned VIP by depositing a certain amount in advance; 35% of the respondents had spent unnecessarily in order to be promoted to VIP.

With the lowering of the threshold, the number of VIPs is increasing, but the "small privileges" promised by merchants are becoming less and less, and less can be fulfilled. "Inequality" is increasingly tending to "equality", and "VVIP" also comes out in response.


Hunger Marketing

Buddha said that life has eight hardships, one of which is to ask for nothing.

However, how many people can do nothing in the world? All living beings seek for happiness through suffering.

The more you can't get, the more you want to get, the more you can't get.

In many cases, the process of "seeking" has exceeded the result of "seeking". The harder the process is, the more successful and happy you will be.

Hunger marketing is aimed at this kind of psychology and appeals to its preferences. Businessmen deliberately reduce the supply in order to regulate the relationship between supply and demand, create the "illusion" that supply falls short of demand, maintain high prices and profit margins, or just to attract eyeballs and increase popularity.

From Apple's series of products and domestic blockbusters in recent years, we can see that the way of hunger marketing is basically the same: in the stage of product development and film shooting, we often throw out one burden after another, or take high-tech as the selling point, or take director selection as the selling point, to win the continuous attention of consumers.

However, the core things are strictly confidential: for example, the appearance design of the iPhone 4 has been strictly guarded by Apple for 30 months; The Thirteen Hairpins in Jinling has released several movie posters, but only the last one showed a back image of the heroine. During this period, two supporting actors were fired because they published their makeup photos on Weibo. The speculation about the core content is objectively spreading word of mouth among the audience.

When consumers' appetites are fully lifted, it is the best time for products to be launched. Once there is a way to vent the long suppressed desire, the result is to queue up at night, rain or shine; Even if the ticket price reached a record 120 yuan, the venue was also full.


Xiong Exhibition

It is the routine of all erotic marketing to let you spend money through the most direct sensory stimulation.

The problem is that in China, most pornographic marketing communication paths are only related to porn - when "porn" completely attracts people's attention, the brand becomes a supporting role instead.

Fortunately, it can attract attention and create public opinion in a short time, and is called the topic center at a certain stage. In the long run, it will not help business. When a brand can only win attention through naked erotic marketing, you can imagine how weak it is. We know that the Beijing Auto Show did not make people remember a new car, leaving only the figure of a middle-aged woman with big breasts. Chinajoy has hundreds of manufacturers participating in the exhibition, but the most frequently seen photos are the post-90s Showgirl with childlike giant breasts. Countless online games attract you to download with erotic words, but most of them can be classified as "Xiasanlan" online games.

To say the least, good erotic marketing needs technical barriers - you can't be funny, humorous or even elegant. Why can't you even pass the basic aesthetic standards? The girl in the hard disk has improved the Chinese's taste of eroticism to a very high level, and the Internet promoter has not found it?

Please take out the advertising posters of CK and Durex, and learn composition, creativity, makeup, posture and the most basic nudity.



Admittedly, the invasion of Success Learning to your country has gone deep into the texture, so don't be surprised that such sensational advertising words as "men should be cruel to themselves" and "I won't come back if I don't mix well" are regarded as classic texts and widely circulated.

Of course, there are more tearful words, such as the following sentence - "I will regard you as my partner and love in my life... I will regard you as my belief, never leave, never separate from you, from this moment until forever, I am willing to. XXX degree, more love". Why should a sports brand's advertising words be the same as the wedding vows? I don't know that I have been touched by "Moving China". Is it not enough to fan you?

Let's take another look at the advertising words of another sensational master, Fan Ke. "I believe that if I persist, I will win. I just want to prove myself and prove my strength to the world. I am Luo Dan and Fan Ke, and I just want to be with you.".

Obviously, this is a smarter approach.

It is also sensational. It makes big stars sink down, so that you can really feel that they are ordinary people. It does not foolishly give you the blood of success, nor will it fiercely rush over to overdraw your feelings. It just makes you resonate in plain and powerful words, and moves you. In terms of business, this is sensationalism, and the rank is much higher than the two Jinjiang brands. Of course, this also means that your probability of being marketed is greatly increased.


Title Party

What is this? Pavlov believes that asking questions is human instinct. The curiosity generated by the rational brain expresses the human desire for knowledge. In general, this is a positive desire, which enables human beings to learn more knowledge and information and constantly adapt to the changes in the living environment during the evolution process.

However, the western proverb says that curiosity kills cats.

In many cases, if curiosity comes at an inappropriate time or goes too far, it will also bring trouble to others and themselves, at least being used by the title party.

The title party originally refers to some netizens on the Internet. They use various creative titles to attract netizens' attention and win click rates. Usually, the content of the post has little to do with the title, and netizens often feel cheated after reading it. The reason is that people's curiosity is used to accurately grasp the preferences of most netizens.

For example, the title of a message on a website is that Li Xiang was forcibly dragged on the street. The actual content is a picture. One person took a big propaganda bag printed with Li Xiang's endorsement in both hands and dragged on the ground.

Nowadays, it is not only the network and media news that have headline party. Strictly speaking, all advertising and business promotion activities have the suspicion of headline party. Real estate is a disaster area. The famous real estate advertisement "buy a house and send furniture" actually only means to help owners transport furniture; "One line of river scenery" can be seen only when you lean out of the balcony; The subtext of "broad vision" is the top floor, while "convenient access" refers to the first floor.


National card

Just like the popular "non conversion is not Chinese" on microblog, almost all household appliance brands played the national brand in the 1990s - Changhong's slogan is "serving the country with industry and taking national prosperity as its own responsibility", Haier's advertising words are "Haier Made in China", and Skyworth color TV directly says "Skyworth Love China". In the era of "China can say no", almost all of these brands were successful. However, more than a decade later, when people's choice was more simple, these brands began to give up the national brand.

Instead, another industry began to throw out the "China" card frequently. Wahaha was the earliest. It directly referred to its cola as "Chinese people's own cola" - as if Chinese people should not drink other colas.

Then, it played up a common commercial dispute as a confrontation between national capital and foreign capital, and successfully pushed back Danone to gain the initiative. Later, when people looked back, they were surprised to find that the spokesperson of the national capital had a US green card.

Another wonderful flower in the beverage industry is Mengniu, which can initially be regarded as a successful business case of a national enterprise, but after that, it has shamed the "national brand" several times, so that people have no choice but to buy foreign milk powder. In 2008, after the melamine crisis, the enterprise had the opportunity to die with dignity, but Niu Gensheng once again made a sad "Ten Thousand Words", "some overseas capital barons are ready to move, preparing lies while opening their mouths...".

Later, we all know that Mengniu didn't die, and consumers suffered.


Foreign experience

Ajisen Ramen, Peizhi Bovine Colostrum, Shien Milk Powder, Aoyou Milk Powder, French Biostime, Kazilan Cosmetics, Kardanton, Hongxing Erke, Kuchi Coolpad, Alpina, Bosini Cabinet, Oudian Floor, Nicefeel Home, Oushili, Rebecca, Mark Huafei, Manyaru, Xiangwushi Audio, Camel Shoes are all domestic products.

Why do Chinese goods like to give a foreign name to their own?

Foreign style.

After seeing that Annie Baby was lovelorn, she immediately bought a box of foreign style Haagen Dazs, "wrapped it in dry ice, sat in a taxi, held it carefully, and then kept crying, and sadly thought: Where is the person who loves me? I am left to enjoy this beautiful and expensive food alone." Guo Jingming once went to Hangzhou to play foreign style, "Go to a rich friend of mine (call him Little K) As a guest at home, his house is a villa, and there is a very large swimming pool in the courtyard. He invited many friends to play with him that day. Little K and I finished applying sunscreen gracefully and put on Prada's big sunglasses. I wore D&G's swimming trunks, he wore Gucci's swimming trunks, and two people leaned against the edge of the swimming pool, There is an Armani tray with various imported fruits on the water beside me... "Teacher Zhang Yazhe once watched 2046 in a foreign style occasionally on the satellite TV movie station. Thankfully, the music is still Bosanova style, the tone is still the style of Lan Kwai Fong's hangover when Du Kefeng was 30 years old, and the end of the Khmer Angkor Wat in the Mood for Love has made all Wang fans want to die. "

Foreign moons are not necessarily round, but foreign names must be unintelligible but can look very high-end. Why are there always so many people who have no reason to buy and love talking about foreign or seemingly foreign things? He who has nothing else, pretends to force his ears.


Life outsourcing

We are all very busy. Because of work, we have no time to cook. We didn't have time to wash the dishes because of the drama. Because of the game, we have no time to take the children. We didn't have time to clean the room because our friends were having a party.

We sat on the sofa holding snacks to form a potato nest, watching the cleaning aunt, baby sitter, restaurant takeout, and chauffeur busily come and go in our life.

But it's nothing. In 2005, after reading The World Is Flat, the chief editor of Esquire America once produced a virtual autobiography of "outsourcing emperor": he found an Indian outsourcing company, and asked this responsible outsourcing team to help him check his manuscript materials, send gifts to his wife, buy daily necessities from online stores, buy toys for his son, pay mobile phone fees, send emails to the boss Help my wife arrange a birthday party, refuse a job request that I don't want to ignore, complain about American Airlines, write an email to care about my parents, apologize to my wife, and compile my own Wikipedia.

Finally, the "outsourcing emperor" outsourced his family, children and work to Indian strangers on the other side of the world, and complained that once these strangers could not help him to order a takeout from a nearby hotel.

All the troubles needed for living have been outsourced by this "outsourcing emperor". Even writing this autobiography has bored him - it's better to outsource the end of it to Indians. Since then, the "outsourcing emperor" has lived the life that many people dream of: pulling the curtains, holding potato chips, sinking into the dark and soft center of the sofa to entertain themselves - this is the ultimate form of outsourcing life.

Let's maximize laziness, and give our bank cards, home addresses, work units, colleagues, friends, purchasing tastes, and eating habits to strangers who can solve all problems. Then the "outsourcing emperors" can live as invisible people, and everything will be fine from now on, except for troubles.

But in the end, I have only one small problem. Perfect outsourcing company. I'm tired of my laziness. Can you help me outsource it?



Seeing Takeshi Kaneshiro drinking a bottle of green tea handsomely, we were eager to try; Seeing that Daniel Wu can shine with a little skin care products, we are eager to try; Seeing Fan Bingbing using a little shampoo, we were elated; Seeing Faye Wong drinking a little milk will make us ten years younger. We are eager to try

TV, records and magazines make us familiar with the expression, life, pain and happiness of celebrities. This makes us feel that we are familiar with each other - some things that can only be known between friends become "we all know" when they are put on celebrities.

But do we really know Takeshi Kaneshiro, Daniel Wu, Fan Bingbing and Faye Wong? I don't know that the advertisement of skin care products is made by PS, and Takeshi Kaneshiro may not drink green tea or shampoo at ordinary times? We all know that Michael Jackson, who once advertised for Pepsi, doesn't drink soda at all. The mascara advertisement taken by Penelope Cruz is basically fake eyelashes. The gold ring endorsed by French TV host Danielle Gilbert will not have good luck even if you wear it for a generation. We know President Hou, the "king of advertising", and also know Jackie Chan, the "man who can destroy everything": the Xiaooverlong learning machine he spoke for went out of business, the boss of Edo VCD went to prison, Fenhuang Coke and Kaidi cars could not be sold and disappeared, and Bawang Anti cancer disappeared Miss dumplings were even found to contain deadly Staphylococcus aureus - these brands are things they would never use, just like the skin care products endorsed by Cher, a Hollywood star, she did not use at all.

Maggie Cheung's face was not painted with Olay, and Michelle Reis was not so beautiful because of L'Oreal. However, as long as the problem of choice difficulty comes, we will still trust the very sincere celebrity head on the product package - because in the endless strange goods on the shelf, the only thing we have known in our eyes that we are tired of distinguishing is the face of the celebrity.


Online shopping addiction

Fast, convenient, low price, complete, limited edition, 24-hour online... No matter what positive significance online shopping was given at the beginning of its birth, today's "online slaves" only have one sentence to interpret it: losers, losers, and super losers.

The online shopping addiction is cultivated in this way: you may never visit the supermarket 50 meters away from the apartment building, because the daily groceries and snacks stored on Taobao will never be empty in a year or two;

You have never been unmoved in the face of the discount season of the shopping mall, because the strong promotion of the purchase agency website is the real temptation, and the enthusiasm cannot be extinguished by the lack of goods several times;

Your meals are always booked three days in advance. There is no way, but the group buying website has the rules of cheating; The air frying pan you bought from the e-commerce website has been eating ashes for years, and half a shelf of new books has never been opened

Although every credit card settlement day you wail "want to cut off your hand that keeps cleaning Taobao", you find that "I used to be Guanyin with a thousand hands" - you still go fishing at work and keep searching for new keywords, refreshing orders and waiting for the express boy to make your phone ring.

Online shopping is a pit, and everyone suffers from shopping obsessive-compulsive disorder.



Although brain platinum advertising has won the "Ten Bad Advertising" award for five consecutive years since 2000, everyone has remembered that "no gifts will be accepted this holiday, only brain platinum will be accepted".

In 2008, Heng Yuanxiang, who has simply repeated for decades, managed to make his way under the circumstance that Yanzhao Gate dominated the world: in that year, except for photographer Chen, we all remembered "Heng Yuanxiang, the sponsor of the Beijing Olympic Games" and the order of the twelve zodiac signs.

Chen Baoguo's repeated "Happy New Year in China" three times, Fu Disheng and Ren Jing's "washing is healthier" one by one, and a family of young and old people's "wash your intestines quickly!" all appear on video terminals covering buses and subways, and they are tireless to bombard rubber men with empty brains - advertisers believe that "a lie is true after three times", It also gives us a chance to breathe: fortunately, they won't come for the fourth time. (Here the crow wants to add: Have you ever met the time when local TV stations repeatedly bombed for seven times during the holidays?)

The marketing department of Hengyuanxiang once said, "You'd rather be scolded than forgotten." People who are used to shouting clearly live up to its expectations: the products that are rated as the top ten worst advertisements every year sell very well.

It is not surprising that Chuck Paranuke has said in Fight Club for a long time: "A group of strong young men and women want to devote their lives to something. Advertising has made these people focus on pursuing cars and clothes they don't need. Generations of people have been doing jobs they hate, only in this way can they buy things they don't really need." In the film version, the protagonist also made a clear analysis of you and me: "What are you and I? We are consumers, and our minds are full of material things. I don't care about murder and poverty, but I only care about celebrity magazines, 500 channels of television, whose name is printed on my underwear, hair tonic, Weier Gang, weight loss pills."

Money still needs to be spent, gifts still need to be given, and the worst ads still need to be searched before cursing. The happiest thing in the world is to travel around the world with money, buy whatever you remember, and just be happy - then, never think about it. Thinking can ruin all this.



In The Crowd, Le Pen put forward that "groups are blindly obedient".

In groups, individual intelligence and personality are weakened, and groups often show impulsiveness, impatience, no long-term plans, exaggerated emotions and simplicity, credulity, and easily implied. This phenomenon is described as "herd effect" in economics. Sheep is a very scattered organization, but once a head sheep moves, other sheep will rush forward without thinking, regardless of the possibility of wolves in front or better grass nearby.

The most common place of "herd" blind obedience is the financial market. It is easy for inexperienced investors to blindly listen to the so-called experts, authorities and internal information and blindly imitate others. Even if their judgments and information are rational and accurate, such a large influx of "sheep" will upset the balance of leverage under the effect of amplification and infection. Just as in 2007, when Wall Street was hit by the financial crisis, the Chinese stock market hit 6000 points. When vegetable vendors and cleaners were talking about funds, the results were clear. In fact, large institutions have already been removed from the market, and retail investors are always the ones who are locked up.

Because the media has made a mistake, they called Zhang Wu, who only knows a little bit, a "health expert". Although he said that "mung beans can cure all diseases" was against common sense, it could not prevent his book from selling 3 million copies in half a year; In the vegetable market, mung beans have become a must buy for many consumers, ranging from three or five kilograms to dozens of kilograms. The price has been constantly pushed higher. A brand of mung bean licorice soup named by the market has sold for 138 yuan. It is the merchants who are laughing behind the scenes.


famous brand

The definition of vanity in Modern Chinese Dictionary is "superficial brilliance".

The pursuit of "superficial glory and illusory glory" is a common human weakness, and no one can escape it. Coincidentally, famous brands have the luster on the surface "beauty" and the "noble spirit" represented by the intrinsic high value, which satisfies women's double vanity of beauty and wealth, so few women can escape in front of famous brands - wearing famous brands, carrying famous brands, and in the mirror, women can feel that they are connected with the female stars in the advertisements, It was connected with the beautiful high-end life described in fashion magazines, and even with the famous women in the corners of famous brand historical allusions. It felt like a chicken turned into a phoenix in the mirror.

As the book "Luxury Brings Abundance" says, famous brand luxury has always been the patent of the nobility, but today it has become a popular fashion. The reason why famous brands are popular with the public is that they can provide you with the illusion of becoming an aristocrat in an instant. The reason why Hermes has stood out among famous brands in recent years is that it has successfully and completely shaped low-key princess style luxury. Low profile luxury, only those who try to mobilize low-key vanity.



The most provocative underwear advertisement in history comes from a vulgar romantic novel:

Scene 1: The heroine has a crush on the hero for a long time;
Scene 2: The hero finally asks for a one night stand;
Scene 3: The heroine slaps the hero in her excitement;
Scene 4: The heroine wails at her home late at night and smashes the wardrobe to pieces;

——Voice over: "Why doesn't my mother have a bra who can get out of the stage!!!"

From knowing how to focus marketing skills on human inferiority complex, all peripheral commodities related to gender will be half successful, which is why the magic of "A Cup becomes C Cup instantly" has always sold well, and the condom "Let you persist for another 4 minutes" has been regarded as a successful case for a long time.

These marketing techniques are like magic wands - the core idea of weight loss advertising is: "There are only two kinds of women in the world, one is beautiful, the other is fat"; Toothpaste advertisements no longer chant the old-fashioned "no cavities", but instead "leave fragrance, no worry, no one loves"; The chewing gum advertisement smiled: "The beauty will not frown at you anymore."

You can deny your little thought of overnight counter attack, but when you reach the shelf - hello! You have been exposed.


extortionate price

The sky high price of moon cakes, cars, houses, even pickles... These days, everything can be sky high.

Businessmen firmly believe that the psychology of many consumers is not the best, but the most expensive.

Therefore, they have occupied the price commanding heights of all kinds of commodities, constantly emphasized the meaning of face, magnified the hidden value of face, Jiang Taigong fished, and so on.

Comparison is everywhere.

In life, each of us will secretly give ourselves a consumption orientation, but the benchmark at the top often affects our decisions and raises our standards. We always lose our self-awareness in the comparison of looking left and right. When we get hot headed, we are like high jumpers who constantly jump to touch a high line that we cannot reach.

A few years ago, the marketing slogan of one day's priced house was "only dedicated to the outstanding people in the peak world". Of course, its sales target group was not the people in the peak world, but the rich Chinese who tried to enter the peak world to complete an illusory "carp jumping off the dragon gate".



When you are cut in line by VIPs in the bank and become angry, you will understand how correct Orwell's words are - "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". It was only political power that made people "more equal" in the past, but now it is commercial means that make people "more equal".

All brands see this. So the bank has to set up numerous credit card levels, such as ordinary card, gold card, platinum card, black card... You have to go through the customs to fight against monsters before upgrading; Real estate developers should emphasize "luxury", "supremacy", "Wancheng admiration, just because you enjoy this seat", and the best case names will make you tremble - such as "Diaoyutai No. 7 Courtyard"; Luxury car brands should not only create limited edition, but also "specially for China"; Luxury goods should never tire of emphasizing "handmade", although it is very likely to be born in a factory in Dongguan; Even fast fashion brands should cooperate with well-known designers to give you the sense of superiority of "limited edition" under the condition of limited budget

You really get some sense of superiority, maybe a lot of privileges, and then you fall into the "fatal illusion".

This is the most suitable marketing method for China's national conditions.



"The whole family is your home" - this six words without the meaning of word games has finally become the famous slogan of Taiwan Family Convenience Store. Just like the essence of convenience stores, which focuses on "daily" signs, it is plain and easy to cultivate consumption inertia. In fact, it also has the first half sentence - "always around you all the year round" - which is the core strategy of convenience store marketing: to provide maximum convenience for life all the time and everywhere.

In the matter of "one-stop shopping" to attract consumers, 7-Eleven, the originator of convenience stores, has long fumbled out a set of formed rules of the game: focusing on residential business circles, giving consideration to office business circles and station business circles, and almost blocking all the places where students and white-collar workers come and go; It sells conventional brands of bread, snacks and drinks, and also introduces rice balls, Kanto cooking and cooked lunch combinations according to local tastes; Selling daily necessities, but focusing on one person or travel clothes... A developed convenience store also provides all-around services such as paying water and electricity fees, calling a taxi, booking a hotel, buying movie tickets and park tickets on behalf of others. In the context of the popularity of otaku, 7-Eleven in Japan recently launched a business that is to buy a packet of instant noodles and deliver them to your door.

The convenience store model is very easy to use, otherwise, there will not be so many TV shopping channels and online direct shopping malls have followed the trend of "new one-stop shopping". However, the easier it is for you to burst out shopping impulses because of "convenience marketing", the more likely you will be involved in the trouble of shopping traps.


Social phobia

The American Association for Social Anxiety Disorders pointed out that about 7% of the world's people suffer from social anxiety disorder, while about one in every 10 people in China has more or less social anxiety problems. Social networking is the weakness of modern people, and on top of the weakness, social networking came into being.

Obviously, the biggest selling point of various social networks is to meet people's social aspirations in the virtual network world. Many years ago, English poets lamented that "no one is an island, everyone is a part of the mainland", and social networks tell you that you do not need social skills, do not need to cross the physical and psychological distance, as long as you press ten fingers, you can easily connect a land into an empire.

It is said that as long as you want, "non-contact" social interaction can account for 80% of human social interaction.

On the one hand, you enjoy more and more relaxed social interaction in the virtual world. On the other hand, you will feel more and more indifferent to your loved ones and friends. People's social skills are formed in their interactions from childhood to adulthood. There is no communication practice accumulated in reality. As a result, those social maniacs in the virtual world are often social imbecile in reality.


life style

IKEA is a way of life - it sells simple environmental DIY and small flowers made of rural cotton cloth, is a "happy and simple style in Sweden", and is an organic lifestyle "full of sunshine and fresh air, but without losing its introversion and authenticity".

Muji is a way of life - it sells the original ecology and natural view, is simple and simple "highly respected by people of taste", and is a small and fresh phrase "Muji is not so much a brand as a philosophy of life".

Uniqlo is a way of life - it sells simple design and basic versatility, and it is a group segmentation method of "insisting on what I think and what I want to do".

Marketing master Philip Kotler once said:

  • Starbucks does not sell coffee, but leisure;
  • Ferrari doesn't sell sports cars, it is a kind of driving pleasure and dignity that is almost crazy;
  • Rolex does not sell watches, but luxury and confidence;
  • Hilton does not sell hotels, but comfort and peace of mind;
  • McKinsey does not sell data, but authority and professionalism.

With the words "lifestyle", any brand can become fashionable, dazzling and high-end, and instantly lead the trend of fashion. No matter how many lifestyles are deceptive, the key point is that you and I still like this one.



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