Confession of a planning director: What is planning on earth?

Design Tutorial&Article 2015-04-15 1902 views 0 comments

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

1. Copywriting planning and planning are two different things.

The planner needs to have a good command of words, but your good writing is not necessarily a good planning. Hidden behind the beautiful words are thoughts and strategies, which is the essence of planning.

As the saying goes, "laymen watch the excitement", when my plan is presented to others, others will often praise me with a few words - your writing is good!

At this time, I will be shocked. As a planner, I feel that I have praised the wrong person. I don't need others to praise how good my writing is. It is just a praise given to the writer. If your planning lacks accurate cut in, direction and creative brilliance, then you can only be a writer.

If you just make creative descriptions, promotional programs, and some simple advertising copy, I think it can only be a copy or secretary at best, not a copy planning, let alone planning.

2. Not everyone can do planning

I'm surprised that many people now always talk about planning. It seems that planning is a glorious thing. I believe that planning must be a glorious thing, but this word can be said by anyone.

Do you think it is a kind of sorrow?

  • Do you understand the essence of planning?
  • Do you understand the essence of marketing?
  • Understand the relationship between strategy and strategy?

What IMC/USP/4P/4C/DNA/core values do you think are often planned by Porter SWOT analysis, BCG model and MINKSY 7S model?

I think you can learn other people's theories, but more importantly, you should be able to become your own thing, which is not a bluff. Planners need not only a lot of reading, thinking and accumulation, but also more and more "creative packages". If you lack the accumulation of humanities, history, geography, etc., then your thoughts will be exhausted.

Therefore, the planner should not always focus on reading professional books, but also need to dabble in other books, including tourism, movies and other cultural activities. The study of planning is not only books, but also can play and boast.

3. Planners should occupy a leading position in the company

If you are in the company now, it is just like this:

  • "* *, help me make a creative explanation..."
  • "* *, help me think about this ad copy...".

At this time, I need to tell you that there may be something wrong with your role. In addition, your colleagues have wrong perceptions of your work. They all think that planning can be thought out by shooting the head, but I don't think so.

You need to be familiar with your products and competitors' products, and understand their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Only in this way can you find the weakness of your competitors and finally extract your selling points or strategic support points. These are all practical work. Only under this kind of work can we extract fierce words and strong visual impact pictures.

Don't take the pace of your work behind others. You must define each project from the beginning, and your work should always lead. You must establish the concept, words, pictures, functions, selling points and communication strategies of the product from the beginning.

4. Raise your sword

Planning should be like a tiger, fierce and ruthless. Planning is like casting a sword. Raise your sword and point it at your target group accurately. Kill your opponent and cut the market. This is the sword of planning!

5. Creativity is not achieved overnight

You have to believe that creativity is not always there, although occasionally there will be inspiration shining. But the inspiration that can stand the test of time is your final concept. At this time, your creativity is often related to your accumulation. There are three steps to the birth of creativity:

  • Last night, the west wind withered the green trees, and I went up to the tall buildings alone, looking at the ends of the world.
  • my clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.
  • I looked for him thousands of times in the crowd. When I looked back, I saw him in the dim light.

I often catch the inspiration of creativity when I go shopping/go to the toilet/walk/go to bed. Doesn't it have something to do with my honest research, reading, thinking and observation?

6. In addition to professional books, read more books related to philosophy and history

In my opinion, marketing is war and marketing is philosophy. If you look at the modern history of China, did Mao XX come up with the strategy of "encircling cities from the countryside"? "Analysis of China's Current Social Classes" is not to find the target group? Isn't the Hunan Peasant Movement Investigation Report just a market research? Aren't "Theory of Contradiction, Theory of Practice" the best teaching materials for planners?

This is the plan I understand. After the strategy of "encircling the city from the countryside" is established, you should also have strategic support. Without the support of strategy, the strategy will never be implemented. That's why the slogan "fight local tyrants and divide fields" is so direct to the people's hearts? After watching Red Cliff, can you think about the weakness of your competitors?

Of course, behind his advantage, 800000 troops are coming, and a piece of wood and chain at the bottom can turn his advantage into a decline. Look back at Sun Tzu's art of war. Sun Tzu's "war situation is no more than extraordinary", winning by extraordinary means and defending the enemy by upright means. Isn't it today's blue ocean?

Five things of Sun Tzu's "Tao, Heaven, Earth, General and Law". Is it not today's marketing planning? Isn't Hegel's thought of "positive and negative combination" the art of planning today?

7. Planning cannot be fooled

Zhao Benshan's "Planning" has won everyone's applause, but as a planner, I am deeply saddened by the deep love for the word "planning". The word "planning" seems to be more and more related to the following words.

"False", "flickering", "low threshold", "good and bad". Strictly speaking, I think it is inappropriate to use the word "planning" as a career name. This word is too subjective and is often used as a verb. I planned * * * Yunyun. I believe everyone has heard of it. So although I plan, I don't like the word planning.

What I want to tell you is that planning must have a pragmatic professional attitude, and the flash of creativity requires a lot of basic work. The IDEA that comes out of this way is a good IDEA, which can stand the test of time and the market. Moreover, planning cannot be relied on to solve all problems. Planning can only point to one problem and solve one problem.

8. Think about the true nature of planning

Don't complain about how low your salary is. First of all, you should think about whether you are a real planner? How far are you from a real plan? Can you often put forward precise strategies and turn them into a concept. And put it into your marketing? Then I believe you are an excellent planner. If your answer is no, you still have a way to go, not only to go, but also to think and observe frequently. Learn to be a thinking person.

I often look at advertisements or slogans on street signs when I go out, and then talk with my wife as a topic. When you accumulate to a certain extent, you will find that planning not only teaches you how to plan, but also teaches you how to know yourself and how to be a person. Being a person, a brand and an enterprise must be the same in the opinion of planners.

9. You must pay attention to employment planning

If you want to be a real planner, then I suggest you go to a company with strategy leadership. Such a company is the test of a person's real level, but the pressure is also great enough. If you can't go to a company or a company in other industries, you should also understand the planning responsibilities of the company. If you are making POPs, materials, media scheduling, seasonal and holiday promotions (especially in the store, the planning is the lowest level), your level can never be improved, These can only improve your level of basic work, but not forge your mind.

When you apply for a job, you can understand what kind of company leaders are. If the leader still gets up with solid marketing, or he has advanced marketing ideas, he may have high expectations for planning. You need to seize the opportunity and challenge more.

There are also some companies that divide their strategies very carefully. For example, my previous company had event planning, project planning and brand planning. Activity planning is the lowest level among them. If you want to be in this industry, you must not do it too long. We must change to the project and brand.

10. Pyramid theory of planning scheme

Planners often make plans. I have seen several plans on the board, and I know that they are new to the industry. Why? I think a good plan is to find a good goal and a good method.

Arrange a strong execution. The programme must start with objectives. That is to say, what needs to be solved in your plan? Many people have said this when making plans:

Improve popularity/pave the way for listing/increase sales

I think this goal is too vague. The planning must be accurate. Can you improve your popularity with one planning? The forging of brand is not one day, one time, but long-term support. It also needs to keep pace with the times. There are many more planning schemes. This kind of mistake is ignored under the vague goal. The planning method is completely separated, that is, if you look back, can your method support your goal.

A plan is like a pyramid. The top is your goal, but the following things should have enough channels, methods, and angles. Only by integrating these things in one direction can you climb your pyramid.

This is the methodology of the scheme. Only effective methods can reach the top. Look back and see if your scheme has been hovering at the bottom of the pyramid?

11. Why should planners straighten their backs?

Why is it so hard to find a job after another job change, and the salary does not rise? One day, do you also hope to get the number in your mind every month? Let me tell you that as long as you persist, settle down, and work hard with good methods. As the saying goes, you will succeed one day. But where is the weight of the planner?

Looking back, if you know accounting and law, I heard that your friend is a certified public accountant and has obtained the lawyer qualification certificate, you will certainly look at him sideways. Our industry has no national system certification, and its weight is here.

So what should we do?

So the planner must pay attention to the actual effect! Still effective!! In the context of effectiveness, you need to participate in more cases, practice more, and think more after practice. You must also have enough cases. The higher the popularity, the better. This is the depth of planning (solving your professionalism). In addition, what is the width of planning? (Create your own external environment)

One word - "Bang"! The planner must have a broad network of contacts. Moreover, the planner will often contact the media, so he/she should have a good relationship with the media. He/she should always appear in the media, or sign his/her name if he/she does not appear. The opportunity to take a group photo with any star expert or host must be close.

If you want to stay in an industry for a long time. Then you must have the opportunity to talk with the senior management of the whole industry and participate in various high-end exchanges and academic activities. It is also possible to talk directly with industry opinion leaders.

12. What is planning on earth

Planning is open. There is no established idea or method. Planning is to verify a method. Successful planning can only be proved by practice. I have read this concept in some university textbooks. Planning is to organize and plan a series of activities according to the market environment. That's bullshit!! I hate the way of Chinese education, which is inseparable from the essence.

I have seen the definition of a strategy company (Chengdu). Planning is to harness the power of change! Planning varies from time to time, from situation to situation, and from person to person. Therefore, the planner should be able to grasp the situation. From the situation, he must have the ability to simplify the complexity, find a breakthrough and catch the dawn. This is the ability to control.

And what is advertising? Advertising is dancing in chains!

Your advertisement is subject to many shackles of market environment, team, competitors and product characteristics. Can you turn the shackles into your props?

13. The planner should be able to grasp the key points and logic of the problem

The planner must remember that planning can only solve one problem forever. Only in this way can your planning be accurate, so your planning goal does not need too many words but enough words, but your planning may face too many problems.

For example, whether the industry environment has been saturated, whether there are gaps, and whether the competitors are strong.

The characteristics of their own products are not so painful, and the products on the shelves have been unable to support them. The cost of terminals, channels and media is very high. At this time, you will have no way to start. At this critical moment, you must have the ability to simplify complexity. How can you simplify complexity? This requires the philosophy I just mentioned. Planners must have the ability to grasp the key issues. We must see the essence behind the appearance. My friends who have read high school know the relationship between major contradictions and minor contradictions.

You should find out your main contradiction and peel off the problems layer by layer like peeling off the cocoon. Why do you peel off the problems layer by layer? Because when you deal with this problem, you must pay attention to the logical relationship of the order, from A to B, from B to C... Always push your conclusion out. The conclusion must be derived, not thought out! The method must be well grounded, and can't be used when thinking of a way of communication.

14. Different industries and brands have different growth rates for your career

There are great differences in different industries and treatment. I will not discuss the difference of treatment here. Planners must look at what industry and company can promote your growth. Strategic advertising companies need not say that if you can withstand great work pressure, in general, I think what industry can best promote your growth has these selection criteria.

First, the industry with high transparency, that is, the products of this industry exist in your daily life.

For example, tobacco, alcohol, real estate, beverages, cosmetics and clothes, but it seems that the transparency of agricultural products, machinery, logistics, underwear and plastic products is very low.

Second, look at the type of competition in the industry. Different industries have different competition orientations.

IT is a technology led industry, real estate is a capital based industry, luxury goods is an industry supported by high added value and an international platform, and fast selling products are an industry dominated by market competition. Therefore, the industry you choose must be an industry supported by market expertise, In planning, you must choose an industry with a high degree of marketing expertise. Only in this company can you have a chance to speak.

Third, look at the added value of industrial products.

Brands must have added value. If there is no added value, it is just a competition between products, selling points and prices. I don't think you will go to such low-level competition. Because it can't reflect the essence of planning. Moreover, high value-added things also mean that you may have higher income.

Fourth, the space and scale of the industry.

First of all, the more competitors in this industry, the better. The more space you have, the more it will be enough to ensure that you will not change careers in the future. Changing careers is a huge waste of resources. The larger the scale, the better, for example, national and regional. I think everyone can understand.

15. Planners' confidence in creativity

Don't lose heart when you have been thinking hard and your creativity and concepts have been locked in the black box. At this time, you must believe in two things:

First, there are always more ways than problems. There must be many ways to solve any problem;

Second, everything must be connected. In other words, in any two things, at least N identical points can be extracted;

Third, I can't think of it. I'll tell you three more ways:

  • Turn the problem around and see what the opponent's concept is. Then you can be the opposite of its concept;
  • Find a theme to make your creativity more fresh, which is reflected in many designs;
  • Introduce new elements, transform target groups and change product design; Introduce new functions, overlay the functions of other products, etc.

I'm still learning about creative methods. Speaking of which, I can throw you two questions to test your creativity.

  • The manufacturer of socks is of high quality. Why can't they be sold?
  • How to shorten the call time of each caller for IC public telephones charged by the number of calls?

The answers to these two questions are outside of marketing. The reason for leaving them to everyone is to tell them that your ideas must be open.



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