Land Of Gods Illustration

Discovery Design 2020-04-03 1050 views 0 comments

The illustration of "Land of Gods" drawn by Henry Gonzalez, an illustrator in Colombia.

This play is about two mysterious teenagers, A Zang and Jin Jin, who claim to be reincarnated gods. They are eager to awaken their true identity in the world of gods by collecting myths and legends of indigenous people around the world.

They visited the land of aborigines, collected myths and legends from Maori people in New Zealand, Naxi people in Yunnan, and Hong Kong people, and introduced food and scenic spots.

This play is a live action play ViuTV You can see that, but it seems that you need to register.


Hong Kong


To add a few words at the end of the article, the whole play belongs to the tourism and literary exploration category, but the designer's illustrations, both in color and concept, give me a very depressing feeling.

Designer: Henry Gonzalez
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