"Calling for Papers" Art Exhibition Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Yunnan Art Institute on Mayuan 9

activity 2019-09-24 1777 views 0 comments
60th Anniversary Art Exhibition of Yunnan Art Institute
"Mayuan No. 9" Art Exhibition (Yunnan Art Institute's creative exhibition project)

Dear alumni and senior students

Things have changed, the sun and the moon have moved, the spring and autumn have passed, the winter and summer have passed, from 1959 to 2019, this year ushered in the first birthday of Yunnan Academy of Arts!

Over the past 60 years, time may have diluted every memory on the way to school, but it will never make students forget the "Mayuan 9", a life mark bearing youth. Several generations of cloud artists have placed their most sincere and beautiful dreams and pride worthy of being treasured for life here. From the former "Mayuan No. 9" to the present "Yuhua Road No. 1577", all previous Yunyi artists have taken the responsibility of leading and promoting the development of Yunnan art, and many of their works have become symbols of the spirit of the times and classics of art creation.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of Yunnan Academy of Arts, "Ma Yuan No. 9 - Art Works Exhibition" is specially held to review the history, inherit the "Ma Yuan Spirit", carry forward the "Yuhua Culture". Here, my alma mater sincerely solicits excellent works of art from all cloud artists and cloud art friends to jointly create a visual festival that originated in Ma Garden and transformed into rain flower! We stop here to look back, and we set sail from here!

Sponsored by: Yunnan Art Institute
Undertaken by: College of Higher Vocational Education of Yunnan Art Institute, Academy of Fine Arts of Yunnan Art Institute
Academic support: Yunnan Artists Association

Chief planner: Guo Hao
Curator: Yin Yanhua, Zhou Junxi, Liang Fang
Executive Curator: Liu Fang, Zhang Xin, Tao Jin

Review organization

Exhibition Review Committee (consisting of relevant experts selected by Yunnan Academy of Arts)

Exhibition methods and relevant arrangements
  1. The submitted works are collected from all walks of life, and there is no age limit for the works to be evaluated.
  2. Scope of contribution solicitation: Chinese paintings, oil paintings, prints, murals, sculptures and some installations and comprehensive paintings; Documentary video collection: photographic works related to the Mayuan Campus and Yuhua Campus of Yunnan Art Institute and the surrounding culture, for the display and publication of literature.
  3. Each author shall submit 1 to 2 pieces of image data of works for selection by the academic committee (electronic photos of works shall be no less than 5 MB and no more than 15 MB). Please indicate the author, work name, work size, materials, creation age and other information in the file name; Provide a resume of the artist (including basic information, contact information, address, learning experience, work experience, exhibition experience, etc.).
  4. Submission time: from the date of publication of the notice to October 10, 2019.
  5. The selected works will be reviewed by the Academic Committee of Yunnan Academy of Arts, and the results will be published on the website of Yunnan Academy of Arts. At the same time, the exhibition organizing committee will contact the selected artists in time to clarify the rights, obligations and related exhibition matters of both parties.
Author treatment
  1. This exhibition will publish an album, and each exhibitor can get a free one.
  2. The organizing committee will issue exhibition certificates to the exhibitors.
  3. One set of exhibition art derivatives.
Exhibition time and place

This activity will be exhibited in the Art Museum of Yunnan Academy of Arts in the middle and late December 2019. About 200 works are invited and selected for this exhibition.

Contribution mode

Mailing address: College of Higher Vocational Education, Yunnan Academy of Arts, No. 1577 Yuhua Road, Chenggong District, Kunming, Yunnan

Post code: 650500

E-mail: 52603204@qq.com

Contact: Yin Yanhua 13888696580 Dong Fu 18987681398

Note: All the authors who apply to participate in this exhibition are deemed to have agreed to the contents of the Articles of Association and the application form. The Organizing Committee has the final right to interpret the terms of the Articles of Association. The articles of the Articles of Association are mainly applicable to the theme exhibition.



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