After being brainwashed by the new Keep advertisement, we chatted with the behind the scenes traders

Design Tutorial&Article 2019-05-25 1787 views 0 comments

Three years ago, a textbook style slogan of "self-discipline gives me freedom" made the sports platform Keep successful.

Until today, many people (even non advertising people) will think of his slogan when they mention Keep.

#Self discipline gives me freedom # The advertising language can not be spread without its catchy rhythm, but more importantly, the philosophic thinking behind it has successfully hit the life attitude that most people agree with from the heart.

Recently, Keep returned with a new short film, "Fear is the Right". It is also a continuation of the philosophy of "self-discipline gives me freedom". It is also a short video rhythm full of emotional tension. Keep again successfully copied the previous screen brushing advertisement.

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Re integration of Keep and Karma

This Keep # is right # from independent agent Karma, and the classic marketing campaign # self-discipline gives me freedom # mentioned at the beginning of the article is also Karma's tool. When many people mentioned Karma, their first reaction was that he was an industry representative with excellent works. He had created good marketing cases for Lulema, Oupai, Vipshop, etc.

To some extent, the cooperation between Keep and Karma is more like a pair of "A and B CPs" who have achieved mutual success. Three years ago, it was with the marketing campaign of "self-discipline gives me freedom" that Keep laid the tone of the brand image. As a newly founded advertising agency at that time, Karma, the agent, once again raised its reputation in the industry with its works.

With the credit endorsement of the previous successful cooperation, it is reasonable for Keep to choose Karma again. Before the cooperation in this campaign, the Keep team gave Karma the evaluation that it is the professional creative company that knows Keep best.

Karma said that the need for brief given by Keep this time is very clear, that is, how to further convey the inner driving force that can motivate users under the brand spirit of "self-discipline gives me freedom", how to arouse broad resonance of users at the spiritual level, and further activate old users. Simply put, it is to anchor old users and shout to them.


#I'm afraid it's right

With a clear purpose, Karma's thinking in this campaign became: Why do many people not open Keep? What prevents them from persevering?

In the process of discussion, they found that everyone would have fear during exercise, fear of fatigue in running, fear of soreness in yoga, fear of the next group of hard push after the limit of iron rolling, and people would always find excuses to let themselves give up in peace of mind. But in fact, as long as you persist for another second, step and breathe, you will find that the aching muscles have produced a fascinating pumping sensation before. After running beyond the limit, you can't help but become excited.

When you see this, you think the words # fear is right # can be blurted out immediately, but things seem not to be going well.

Compared with the flash of # self-discipline gives me freedom #, # fear is right # this seemingly short slogan has gone through a long, tortuous, suffering, repeated overthrow and then overthrow process. In an interview with earlier, kama (the founder of karm) once described the birth of "self-discipline gives me freedom". "On a pleasant afternoon, Marcus (a member of Karma's team at that time) hit me in a brainstorming session on the terrace of the office".

Kama jokingly said, "If # self-discipline gives me freedom # is accidental" spontaneous labor ", then # I'm afraid it's right # it's probably a" dystocia ", during which pains are repeated.

Keep team members also agree with this. "# Fear is right #" is probably the most difficult part of the slogan: fear that the most refined sentence will not be understood by the audience; fear that the most easily understood sentence will be too common for the audience; fear that the most enthusiastic sentence will not match the communication theme; and even fall into self entanglement during the period, from "fear" to "fear" Is it really feasible to cut into such negative emotions? "

In the end, they decided that "fear is right" in hundreds of alternative advertising slogans. Although the sentence is simple and straightforward, it also points out the internal dialectics of fear in the movement, "fear is resistance and power". This sentence also successfully continues the philosophy of Keep # self-discipline gives me freedom.


The first work, after the budget, is the obsession of the creative person

In terms of video creativity, Karma and Keep selected five Keepers from 180 million users: yoga fat fairy, blind runner, elderly swimmer, champion rider and diving girl, and told five different blood stories with five different identities. Such a group of people, they are afraid, but they are more afraid, so the resistance of fear becomes the power.

Kama said that the five Keepers were not selected for special reasons. Because of their uniqueness, fear is particularly evident in them. Based on this, the empathy generated by true stories can make the audience feel that since they can overcome such strong fears, they must also be able to do so themselves.

At the beginning of the film, it starts with the trembling "I'm afraid" of the diving girl, and then several leading characters come on the scene one after another, all of which are hesitant. However, with the promotion of the film (constantly flashing back to the hero's attempts and failures). The speed of speech in the film is getting more and more block and powerful. At the last high moment, not only the voice of the protagonist, but also the group voices are intertwined. The music drumbeat also reaches the peak, and the emotions overlap to the flash point. Suddenly, after a silent breathing mouth, the "fear, then go to find the next fear" finally appears.

Kama said that because this battle was a real story of the characters, some of the rough edges of life were good. Therefore, this film shooting is different from many commercial advertisements. Instead of framing the script, it will be recreated according to the scene environment and character status. Some moving details will be added to the original script, such as the small movements of the yoga girl's hand, the blind runner being hit by a blind cane... These are unexpected surprises. "Every time the director Omri comes swinging and says' How abou t '... he knows that the on-site work shop has started again."

It is worth mentioning that this film was shot not only in Taiwan, but also by foreign directors and photographers. When it comes to budget, Kama said that in order to better present various specific scenes in the script, how to control the budget is always at the back of the queue. "There is no way, it is the obsession of the creative people. The whole process of shooting in Taiwan was very enjoyable. Although there were many special sessions and rundown was arranged crazily, when the shooting really started, we also got involved in the process and enjoyed it. "

In addition to the main video, they also made their own feature films for the five main characters in the story. Deconstruct the dialectics of fear through the sentence pattern of "I am afraid of... but I am more afraid of...". The first half of the sentence shows the real dilemma, while the second half reveals the inner desire.


The story of the diving girl Du Xinrui

I'm afraid of standing too high, but I'm even more afraid of never going up again


The story of fitness maniac old man Liu

I'm afraid of doing things I'm not sure about, but I'm even more afraid that this will end


The story of visually impaired runner Guo Yuting

I'm afraid of losing my sense of security, but I'm even more afraid of never running out of the safety zone again


The Story of the Fat Fairy You Shuqing

I'm afraid of always being stared at, but I'm more afraid of always being a little transparent.


The Story of Champion Rider Zheng Zecheng

I'm afraid of being too fast, but I'm more afraid of being left behind


More integrated marketing besides video creativity

Some good ideas or "concepts" are followed by online+offline integration to hit more people's minds, which is the communication logic of many advertisements.

The communication campaign of Keep is no exception. Around the concept of "fear is right", some extensions have been made online and offline. There are feed streams on WeChat, clocking activities in Keep community, and topic discussions on WeChat and Weibo online. At the same time, offline, two sets of visual posters, long version and short version, and offline clocking activities are displayed in the subway station bus station.

Offline plane poster (covering subway station+bus station)

I am afraid that I will always be stared at by others, and I am even more afraid that I will always be a little transparent

I'm afraid of losing my sense of security. I'm even more afraid of being trapped in a safe area

I'm afraid of doing something I'm not sure about. I'm even more afraid that it will end

I'm afraid to accelerate every curve, and I'm even more afraid of being left behind.

The Keep team introduced that the communication rhythm of this communication campaign is mainly divided into three steps:

Step 1: Inspire thinking: Cooperate with top quality KOL to create content, interpret the spiritual proposition and story of "fear is right" from multiple perspectives such as psychology, emotion, finance, characters, film and television, entertainment, etc., and extend it to all levels of life, and converge into social media topics, so that the sports spirit advocated by Keep can inspire more people;

Step 2: Strong exposure: Starting from the media contacts of core users' commuting, life and leisure, select offline media such as subway, bus, high-end residential buildings and core business district brands, and digital media such as news, entertainment and women to form voice aggregation and media synergy in key markets such as front-line and new front-line cities;

Step 3: Pulse highlights: Stage highlights are planned. In the first week, the highlights are TVC content and copywriting. In the second week, Keep launched the creative release of outdoor media in Shanghai.

To sum up, the above three forms are combined to reach the core audience at least three times, ultimately forming a "cognitive dome" and promoting the occupation of users' minds and the transformation of their behaviors.

Keep offline clock in "courage test station", blow to measure courage value



It has always been Karma's unique principle not to promise KPI to customers. Even so, this does not prevent Keep from cooperating with Karma.

In Karma's external introduction, there is a passage: our ultimate goal is not just to create outstanding advertising works for the brand, but to help the brand establish and output ideas through advertising, influence the way of thinking and behavior of consumers, and thus narrow the distance between the brand and consumers.

Wang Ning, the founder of Keep, once said in a public interview with the media that even if you put all Nike advertisements on the logo, you will know that this is Nike. It has formed a brand tone, which is very important and we are constantly learning.

The above, or just the coincidence of the two concepts, has contributed to the long-term and lasting cooperation between the two sides. Although there is no hard target of KPI, the final advertising effect seems to be good. The Keep team affirmed the spread. "At present, the DAU of the platform has played a very good role in improving. Even in the dual micro platform and marketing circle, it has also received a lot of tap water, which is more user feedback and spontaneous sharing."

Last tidbit:

What is KARMA afraid of now?

KARMA: At each stage, I fear different things. At present, I am afraid that KARMA will become a stereotype. Since its creation, KARMA has produced many works, including commercial and independent works with attitude. After some achievements, I feel more and more crisis. I am afraid of losing my original creativity. I will only stick to the city, dare not break it, and subvert myself. Therefore, our team will deliberately challenge some things that have not been done, and do some creative ideas that are not sure. I'm afraid it will be right.

Source: Plum blossom net
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