Full version of Post 95 User Insight Report

Design Tutorial&Article 2019-05-12 3513 views 0 comments
 The full version of the report can be downloaded at the end of the article.

The post-95s and post-00s can be roughly understood as the "Generation Z" in the mouth of many media. Their social habits and consumption habits are very different from those of their predecessors. According to the survey report of China Youth Network, more than half of the post-95s most aspire to new careers, such as online celebrity anchor, cosplayer, etc.

On the other hand, the "post-00s social slang" also has its own style on the Internet, such as "zqsg" and "cdx", which have become the unique culture of post-00s. Generation Z has its own barriers.

Nowadays, Generation Z consumer group (post-95:00) has gradually become the main force in the consumer market, which is worthy of the name of "consumer responsibility"! According to the White Paper on Generation Z Consumption jointly released by QQ Advertising X Kantar, by 2020, Generation Z will account for 40% of the total consumption!

1 #

98% of the post-95s in the world usually prefer to shop in physical stores, which is three times more than online shopping. 71% of the post-95s prefer experiential consumption, 22 percentage points higher than older consumers.

Although Gen Z consumers are digital natives, they often choose to shop in physical stores. According to the 2018 China Generation Z Ideal Life Report released by China Business Week and Uniqlo, 71% of the post-95 generation said they prefer to experience excellence in real life than virtual social networking.

2 #

Before buying, 68% of the post-95s will read at least 3 reviews, and 16% of the post-95s will read 9 or more reviews before buying with their own money for the first time.

Correspondingly, the post-95 generation will watch 68 videos on at least 5 platforms every day on average, and 44% of the post-95 generation will check their social media at least once an hour. They can span 5 screens at the same time, which means they have more information acquisition and mining capabilities.

The post-95 generation will dialectically think about problems from multiple perspectives, rather than easily believe and blindly follow the views of others. 34% of the post-95 generation will browse at least 4 online and offline sales points when buying clothes; When buying beauty and health products, this proportion increased to 48%. Gen Z believes that experts may not master some things. 69% of Gen Z said that if they encountered a problem that they did not understand, they would still check the information themselves after asking the experts.

3 #

The post-95 generation accounts for 1/4 of the global population, while in China, the group size of the post-95 generation is close to 250 million, accounting for 52% of the overall Internet users, becoming the backbone of the Internet in China.

After 1995, they spent about 1314 yuan per month, of which the deposits of the post-90s were three times that of the post-90s. The average deposits of the post-90s were 815 yuan, and the average deposits of the post-90s were 1840 yuan.

The post-95 generation, also known as Generation Z, is defined as a young group born between 1995 and 2012, aged 6-23, still on campus or just entering the workplace. If enterprises turn a blind eye to the new generation of consumers, then in the future, the mainstream consumer groups will be further away from such enterprises.

According to the Survey Report on the Development of Chinese Children and Adolescents (2005-2015), nearly 40% of the pocket money (carried with you) of the post-00s is 20 yuan or more, nearly 60% of the New Year's money is 1000 yuan or more, and only 10% of the post-90s. There are even more than 5000 yuan deposits after 200%. After 2000, 46% of them spent 20 yuan or more per week on pocket money, 30% higher than those of the post-90s.

4 #

QQ is still the main social app used after 1995, followed by WeChat and Weibo.

After 1995, they are also heavy users of dithering. 72% of users turn on dithering every day, and 32% of users use dithering for more than one hour every day.

43.0% of post-95 students used stranger social application, higher than that of post-95 students (35.0%) and post-00 students (33.2%).

85% of the post-95s said they liked to show their attitudes on social platforms, but 69% of them said they would not show their attitudes in front of everyone and would show their different selves in front of different people. But 64% of British adults believe that people are too easily offended nowadays. This made the post-95s feel a strong sense of insecurity, prompting them to find their own space and express themselves freely. So they turned to smaller circles and anonymous social networking. 52% found like-minded partners in interest circles, and 43% of the post-95s used stranger social applications. (Source: Research Report on Content Consumption of Post 95 Users in 2018)

5 #

Only 49% of the post-95 generation think that most of the online news is true, but 60% of the post-95 generation think that people they meet on the street are telling the truth.

69% of Gen Z will install ad blocking software on their mobile phones, and 72% will often provide product feedback.

Generation Z is particularly disgusted with advertising and sales promotion. Instead, it likes to be planted by acquaintances and trust the community circle. 69% of Gen Z will install ad blocking software on their mobile phones. The Ad Age website also boldly predicted that such hard ads will completely disappear or be replaced on the Internet in the next three years.

Generation Z, who "eat soft instead of hard", is also more inclined to seek advice from family, friends or trusted netizens during the shopping process. Other customers' product reviews and the number of likes on social media will have a significant impact on their purchase decisions. After 1995, they were also enthusiastic about feedback and sharing their ideas. 72% of the respondents said that they often provided product feedback, far higher than the global average of 40%. This is why Gen Z likes to "plant grass together".

6 #

46% of the post-95s followed more than 10 influential KOLs on social media, but only 16% believed in popular KOL marketing content.

In the group of Generation Z, there is no single trend setter. In terms of fashion information, 51.9% of the post-95s followed more than 3 fashion celebrities, 15.8% followed 6-10 online celebrities, and 8.4% followed more than 10 fashion celebrities.

Gen Z believes that even experts may not know the truth about some things. 69% said that if they encountered problems they did not understand, they would still check the information themselves after asking the experts.

7 #

64% of 95 post graduates said that it is very attractive for them to customize prices or develop brand loyalty rewards. 59% said that it was important for brands to remember their birthdays. The trend of "personalized marketing" was obvious. 95% expected to preset and plan their own exclusive shopping experience.

Individualized value is the key to capture Generation Z. In the past, they may only care about how to buy products at the lowest price, but now, after 1995, consumers are willing to pay more money to buy sustainable products.

Many brands are using "personalized marketing", but few brands achieve "personalized value". Although the two concepts of "personalization" and "individualization" are very similar, their starting points are quite different.

Personalization: driven by the brand, customize the consumer shopping experience according to the preferences, behaviors and historical records of known consumer groups.

Individualization: driven by consumers, it supports them to preset and customize their own exclusive shopping experience.

8 #

More than 39% of the people accept boys' daily makeup. On average, one of the five boys after 95 uses BB cream, which was only used by women before, contributing to the male face cream and perfume consumption market with an annual growth of more than 10 billion yuan.

With the continuous change of social division of labor, the inherent identity and responsibility of gender are undergoing restructuring and progress. With the release of personalized demand, consumption shows a trend of "de sexization". 57% of the millennials prefer to buy shoes specially designed for their own gender, while only 39% of the post-95 generation prefer to buy shoes with gender differences.

According to the 2018 Grass Generation · Post 95 Fashion Consumption Report of Vipshop&iResearch, facial masks and skin care suits have become the most popular cosmetics category for post 95 men. The sales scale of male cosmetics after the 1995's in 2017 increased by 66.7% compared with that in 2015.

The concept of "de sexization" is not only reflected in their product purchase, but also in their sexual orientation or gender. Only 66% of Generation Z think they are completely heterosexual, while 71% of Millennials and 85% of Generation X.

9 #

75% of the post-95s said they hoped to spend more time with their parents or friends. After 95, who talked with their parents at least once a week, the proportion was 27 percentage points higher than that of millennials.

Unlike millennials, Gen Z has a more positive relationship with parents. The post-95 generation is the only generation. They cherish the opportunity to interact with their parents or friends. 61.6% of Gen Z said that the most important thing they want to do in the future is to have warm families and intimate friends.

10 #

74% of the post-95s spent their leisure time learning to recharge, while only 35.49% of the pre-95s did so. However, only 18% of the post-95s said they would use their weekends to study and work.

60% of young people aged 16-22 said they felt pressure to make money and succeed, while among the baby boomers, this proportion was only 1/3. 89% of Gen Z said they would spend their free time on activities they considered productive and creative, rather than just "hanging out". But only 18% of Gen Z said they would study or work on Saturdays, while 42% of Millennials would do so.

11 #

48% of the post-00s will discuss the topic of weight loss on microblog (8% for exercise). Among them, 94% of the post-00s said they would use diet control to lose weight, and only 6% mentioned physical exercise.

Generation Z attaches great importance to body shaping, but does not like to achieve it through sports. Ipsos's Z-era report points out that more than half of the people aged 13-15 in the Z-era lack exercise, and only 12% of the people have reached the recommended level.

12 #

77% of the post-95 generation have their own fixed brands, which will not be easily changed. Like the category that can show your taste, express your attitude and have a high price.

At the same time, 44% of Gen Z have their own views on product functions and design. Marketers can communicate with them through research, interviews and focus groups to continuously strengthen product functions, optimize user experience and retain this group of picky young people.

Generation Z will have high brand loyalty to specific categories. The Center For General Kinetics' Generation Z report points out that 70% of Generation Z will choose a specific smartphone brand, but only 38% will buy clothing of a specific brand, and 47% will buy shoes of a specific brand.

At the same time, 61% of Gen Z said they like brands with their own opinions. 60% said they like the brand's insights and achievements in the field they operate. 82% of Gen Z said they like brands and have a sense of social responsibility. As long as the brand is recognized by themselves, they are willing to accept even if there are some flaws.

13 #

61% of the 95 respondents said that they would like to share more personal information if they know their data is protected. However, 78% of 95 respondents said that they would protect their private data by setting privacy options or providing false information.

After 1995, they are more willing to share personal data, and brands can use these data to provide a more personalized purchase experience. But the premise of being willing to share personal data is that they have enough sense of security and trust.

After 1995, the technology controller knew very well how to set their own privacy level on social accounts and other online platforms, so that they could share their information and updates in the way they wanted.

This article is organized and released by SocialTalent
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