Red River A7&Wind Line Cycling Extreme Crossing Journey Starts with Glory

Photography 2017-09-01 2055 views 0 comments

They are men with strong bones; They are knights fearing no distance;
They are good brothers who move forward together!
Ride on the wind, embrace the spirit of Red River! Go straight to the end, and set sail from here!

With brothers, for cohesion

Remember those brothers who accompany you and sweat on the court?
Remember those brothers who accompanied you and worked overtime until dawn?
Remember those brothers who share the same riding dream with you?

The world is dangerous and the journey is long; There must be inconvenience if you are alone;
Only with brothers as partners, can we move forward in spite of difficulties and dangers!

10 people, 10 vehicles; One team, one heart; One destination, one riding dream.
With brothers, gather strength and run far away!

With brothers, for freedom

When you are still in bed to sleep for a few more seconds, the brother cycling group has already put on their bags and traveled day and night;
When you are still upset about the complicated work, the brother cycling group has already overcome one hurdle after another;
When you are still hesitating for the sake of the present, the brother cycling group has already made up its mind to go far away!

Chuck and Flying Bird sang in On Your Mark: Even if it rains, I will catch a cold. I still have to go out and run freely!
Freedom is action, not heartbeat!
With brothers, we can gallop freely to the far distance!

With brothers, for exploration

The sparks are the bane of life or the starting point of civilization?
Is the boundless sea the end of the boundary or the beginning of the journey?
Mysterious distance, is it a journey not to return or a new world?

Since the world is full of unknown, we have to keep exploring!
Explore the distance to feel the rhythm of life;
Explore the distance to see the color of the world;
Explore the distance, to enjoy the unknown surprise;

Wind line riding group, 10 people in a row.
The accumulated driving mileage is more than 10000 km, and the average driving altitude is more than 4100 km.
They overcome everything!
Explore your new self! Explore a new world!
With brothers, explore the unknown and run far away!

With brothers, for the distance

Far away are poems and songs; The distance is the shelter of the soul;
The distance is every inch of land under the knights' feet.

Riding is to tell stories about distant places in the most natural way.
Use wheels to measure the distance, and use riding to express dreams!
With brothers, let go of tiredness and run far away!

This is a game
Motorcycle pilgrimage with temperature;

This is a game
The journey of brave men who conquer themselves and reach far away;

This is a game
Walking side by side with brothers, the ultimate journey of crossing!

2017, Honghe A7

Cycling time: September 3 - October 1, 2017

Cycling route: Kunming - Linzhi - Lhasa - Shigatse - Everest Base Camp - Saga - Gangrinboche - Guge - Shiquan River - Geji - Gaize - Wenbu - Bange - Naqu - Golmud - Qinghai Lake - Lanzhou - (Alashan) - Chengdu - Kunming

Thousands of miles of journey, thousands of stories, I hope you will be there all the way!
Keep following and sharing!

Red River A7 X wind line riding

The ultimate journey through sets sail in glory! We sincerely invite you to witness the miracle!

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