Xirui Centennial Tea Packaging

Logo 2022-04-20 602 views 0 comments

First sight of the century of Xirui
The aura of calm is fully open

Elegant purple, nimble phoenix, introverted red copper... write low profile and reserved into noble temperament, and blend romantic and warm factors in calm and rational.
The seemingly conflicting emotions of each accessory are properly integrated. With both hands open, the sense of ritual suddenly comes into being. Purple air fills the door. Open the box to see Jubilee.

Familiar twin phoenix pattern
It's valuable when you show up

The double phoenix pattern, originated from the "Ruifang Tea House Double Phoenix Brand Name Tea Box" handed down by Jiang Zibiao, the chairman of the board of directors, was first engraved on the non marketable products 1899, and again plump in the century of Xirui.
It fulfills everyone's expectation of Ruifang's top hundred year old fir on sale, and also fulfills Ruifang's own thoughts on old things and things.

Three cans in box
It's just right, and it's endless

"One can for rewarding yourself, one can for sharing friends, and one can for important moments" is a careful thought set by Shirui's centennial specification. It is the companion of every precious moment.
The addition of metal cans has extended the company of Xirui for a hundred years. Decorate, awaken tea, and carry on business trips. It is more protective to hold tea. They collect infinite possibilities.

Ten thousand leaves into tea
There are mountains at the entrance, and drinking again is the story of trees

Falling flowers and fallen leaves turn into spring mud, and insects and hyacinths grow together. Thirty thousand trees are carved into the growth rings day and night in Wuyi Pit Valley, creating a century old flavor of Xirui.
We are happy to describe Xirui centennial as an excellent work of Wuyi sun and moon, landscape, flowers and trees and tea people. After all, not every narcissus can grow into a centennial fir, and not every centennial fir can become Xirui centennial.

Source: Inter design (QQ: 648564408)
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