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Current location: Zaozhuang Tourism Website > Zaozhuang Tourist Attractions >Weishan Lake wetland red lotus
 Weishan Lake wetland red lotus

Weishan Lake wetland red lotus

AAAA Grade A scenic spot

Tengzhou Weishan Lake Wetland Red Lotus Tourist Area is located in Binhu Town in the west of Tengzhou City, Shandong Province, 25 kilometers away from the urban area. Weishan Lake Wetland Red Lotus Tourist Area is famous for its thousands of hectares of red lotus and hundreds of miles of reed marshes, known as the "lotus capital" of China. The unique charm of Weishan Lake is composed of thousands of hectares of red lotus, hundreds of miles of reed marshes, gulls and white sails, which is praised by experts as one of the best wetlands in East China. There are also scenic spots such as Ancient Dragon Spring, Muxian Cave, Longevity Stone Archway of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and wonders such as "Fishing Boat Sings in the Evening" and "Flying Snow in the Reed". National AAAA Scenic Spot. ... [View details]

Types of attractions: park   Wetland   other  

Opening Hours: 08:00~18:00

Address: Weishan Lake Wetland Red Lotus consult a map

Weishan Lake Wetland Red Lotus Ticket Reservation

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