Recently, the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Ewenki Autonomous Banner Public Security Bureau received a report from Mr. Jiang, a resident of the district, that he had been cheated of more than 400000 yuan by learning to invest and finance online. The police carried out a careful investigation and finally captured three suspects. When browsing the website, Mr. Jiang, a resident of Bayan Tuohai Town, came across a financial management training software called Bo Dao Joint Office. After listening to the free course, Mr. Jiang deeply felt that the course content had depth and connotation, and he spent more than 1000 yuan to buy more [Details]
A few days ago, Hulun Police Station in Hailar District carried out a propaganda campaign to prevent telecom fraud, further consolidated the basic work of the people in the jurisdiction to prevent online telecom fraud, let the residents understand the means and scams of online fraud, and effectively prevent the occurrence of online fraud cases in the jurisdiction. During the activity, the police station organized the people's auxiliary police to go deep into the service center for the elderly in the rural reclamation community to carry out anti fraud propaganda activities on the main means of telecommunications fraud and how to deal with and deal with fraud [Details]
Recently, the Zhengyang Police Station of Hailar District, together with the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Cyber Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee, the Cyber Civilized Volunteers of the Municipal Youth League Committee, and the Zhengyang Street Development Zone Community, walked into the Hailar Business Department of Hengtai Securities to jointly carry out anti fraud propaganda and prevention of stakeholder economic crimes. During the activity, the relevant person in charge of the Zhengyang Police Station in Hailar District introduced the rebate for scalping, online [Details]
A report from our newspaper Since the "Lijian Action", Hailar Public Security Branch has kept the high pressure situation of fighting against telecom network fraud crimes, severely cracked down on two card crimes of illegal help and trust, resolutely cut off the chain of illegal business relationships, and eradicated the breeding ground of black ash industry. Recently, the anti fraud detection team of the Criminal Police Brigade of Hailar Public Security Branch made accurate research and judgment, quickly attacked and successfully captured two suspects. A few days ago, Cui stayed in a hotel temporarily for a business trip in Hailar District, and downloaded a file called "Same City" [Details]
Recently, the police of the Suqin Border Police Station of Hulunbeier Border Management Detachment walked into the Suqin Primary School in Erguna City, and taught the children about security prevention knowledge such as prevention of disappearance, prevention of kidnapping, and prevention of telecommunications fraud by sending publicity materials and telling security prevention stories, so as to strengthen the children's security awareness and self-protection ability. Photographed by Li Yongjian [Details]
In recent days, the police of the Suqin Border Police Station of Hulunbeier Border Management Detachment have gone deep into the area under their jurisdiction to understand the family situation and living needs of herdsmen in the area under their jurisdiction, and have publicized border defense policies and anti fraud knowledge. Through household visits, the police station timely grasped the current situation of border area control, effectively improved the security and prevention capability, and laid a solid foundation for border security and stability. Photographed by Li Yongjian [Details]
In order to effectively enhance the awareness of enterprise employees in the area under its jurisdiction to prevent telecommunication fraud, Haitong Police Station in Hailar District, based on the actual situation of the area under its jurisdiction, made use of the off duty break time for community police to conduct anti fraud propaganda at the wrong time for enterprise employees. During the activity, the police publicized the event by issuing anti fraud leaflets, promoting the APP of the National Anti fraud Center, anti fraud propaganda and other forms, and had face-to-face interaction with enterprise employees, answered the questions and inquiries of enterprise employees in detail, and through the truth [Details]
Recently, the Dongshan Police Station in Hailar District, in conjunction with Dongshan Sub district Office, used the popular live broadcast form to carry out anti fraud live broadcast. During the period, the live broadcast content selected the common types of telecom network fraud, such as high frequency order swiping, impersonation of the public security law, pig killing dish, false loans, etc. The police let the vast number of netizens truly understand, recognize and counter fraud by explaining real cases, popularizing science to prevent dry goods fraud, publicizing the National Anti fraud Center App, etc [Details]
Recently, the Hulunbeier Public Security Bureau successfully cracked down a criminal gang involved in POS money laundering and card collecting in 20 provinces, including Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Sichuan. It captured 21 suspects involved, detained more than 3 million yuan of stolen money involved, found out more than 300 million yuan of involved flow, and promptly recovered the full amount of damage for the victims. On January 29, Zhang, a resident of Yiminhe Town, received a strange express package. On a card with a QR code inside the package [Details]
Recently, Haitong Police Station in Hailar District, in conjunction with the community volunteer police team, went deep into the district to carry out anti fraud propaganda activities. During the activity, the police and volunteer police members went deep into the area, publicized the types and common means of telecom network fraud to residents by issuing anti fraud leaflets, posting posters and other means, explained how to recognize and prevent fraud, and improved residents' awareness of fraud prevention. At the same time, the police also told residents not to answer unknown calls, not to return suspicious messages, and not to respond to WeChat [Details]
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