Our reporter Wang Yao, on April 28, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region celebrated the May Day International Labor Day and the Autonomous Region's May Day Labor Award Commendation Conference was held in Hohhot. Hailar Thermal Power Plant of Hulunbeier Antai Thermal Power Co., Ltd. was awarded the May Day Labor Award of the Autonomous Region. For many years, the factory has adhered to the purpose of serving the society and benefiting the people, and provided the society with safe, reliable, energy-saving and environmental friendly green electric heating energy. Has won the city's May 1st Labor Award, advanced grass-roots party [Details]
He loves mines and his career; He is the winner of the May Day Labor Medal of the autonomous region and Huaneng craftsman; He is Zhang Qiang, deputy leader of the ventilation team of Lingquan Coal Mine of China Huaneng Zhalainuoer Coal Industry Co., Ltd. Zhang Qiang has been engaged in safety monitoring since he started work in 2008. From the beginning of entering the mine, he made up his mind to learn from the seniors and keep pace with the advanced ones. The safety monitoring system plays an important role in safe production [Details]
On April 28, the autonomous region celebrated the May Day International Labor Day and the May Day Labor Award Commendation Conference of the autonomous region was held in Hohhot, and Shi Taifeng gave instructions The collective and individual of Worker Pioneer. Before the meeting, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress [Details]
In the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, the Youth League Committee of the Autonomous Region produced and launched the theme propaganda film Youth. This film focuses on the Inner Mongolia Communist Youth League's unity and leadership of the region's youth league members to listen to the Party's orders, fight with the Party, fight and contribute in ordinary posts, charge ahead in difficult and dangerous tasks, take exercises at the grass-roots level, take the lead in innovation and entrepreneurship, and lead new trends in the construction of spiritual civilization [Details]
Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 3 - People's Daily, May 4, editorial: Write a youth song of the new era in the determined struggle to celebrate the centennial of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China Today is the May 4th Youth Day, and will also usher in the centennial of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. As the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups are marching towards the second centennial goal, we will review the glorious course of China's youth movement in the past century, inherit and carry forward the great May 4th spirit [Details]
General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that today, we are closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history. Chinese youth in the new era have shown unprecedented self-confidence, self-reliance and pride. The young generation born after the reform and opening up and growing up in the 21st century have witnessed the rapid development of the motherland and experienced the prosperity of the country. More and more powerful national strength endows Chinese youth in the new era with firm national confidence [Details]
It's Youth Day again. On the eve of the May 4th Movement, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, wrote back to the youth team of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation for space station construction. He pointed out that a large number of aerospace youth are shouldering heavy responsibilities, demonstrating the spirit of Chinese youth in the new era. In the new era, Chinese youth are born in a flourishing age. What kind of attitude are they striving for? The recently released "Chinese Youth in the New Era" [Details]
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