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Summary of Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Information of Colleges and Universities in Chongqing in 2019

Source: Zhonggong Research and Recruitment Information | Updated on: 2019-04-01 11:42:22

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   Communication group for postgraduate entrance exam Communication group for postgraduate entrance examination

The postgraduate enrollment adjustment system for 2019 was launched on March 20, and the candidates in the adjustment service system can apply for adjustment at this stage from March 20 to April 30. At this stage, the 19 postgraduate entrance examination adjustment information has been announced successively. At that time, the information of the public research recruitment will summarize and sort out the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment information of all universities. The following is the "Summary of 2019 postgraduate entrance examination adjustment information of all universities in Chongqing", For your reference, please pay attention to more information about postgraduate entrance examination Graduate Enrollment Information Network

Information on adjustment of postgraduate entrance examination in 2019 for colleges and universities in Chongqing
Chongqing University Southwest University Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
CPC Chongqing Municipal Party School chongqing jiaotong university Chongqing Medical University Chongqing Normal University
Sichuan International Studies University Southwest University of Political Science and Law Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts Chongqing Gongshang University
Chongqing Research Institute of China Coal Research Institute Chongqing Communication University University of Logistics Army Medical University
Chongqing University of Science and Technology Chongqing Three Gorges University    
The above is caused by Zhonggong Research and Recruitment Information The "Summary of Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Information of Colleges and Universities in Chongqing in 2019" compiled by the small editor is provided by Zhonggong Research and Recruitment Information Postgraduate Entrance Examination, School Selection and Major Selection Guidance, College enrollment information In order to help you review better, we conducted in-depth guidance and analysis on the key points of each subject, and prepared the information of Zhonggong Research Recruitment for you Postgraduate Entrance Examination Guidance Course 2020 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Course Students can also follow the WeChat official account "Zhonggong Examination and Research Website" or directly call ******************* - 966 for consultation. We wish you all the information of Zhonggong Research and Recruitment can be admitted to the ideal college.

Recommended Reading

   How to prepare for the reexamination and adjustment after the national line of postgraduate entrance examination is announced

   Summary of Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Information of All Provinces in 2019

   Summary of 2019 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Re examination Announcements of National Universities

[Editor in charge: Li Zhaoyuan]

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