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Research and Recruitment Information of Yili Normal University

cover thirty-one Provinces, nine hundred Many colleges and universities, four hundred and forty-three thousand two hundred and eighty-two Majors
Current location: Home page of research and recruitment information > Xinjiang Postgraduate Entrance Examination > Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Yili Normal University > Fractional line

Yili Normal University Single subject score of postgraduate entrance examination and enrollment major

particular year Department name Major name Total score Politics Foreign Languages Business Section I Business Section II
two thousand and twenty-three College of Tourism, History and Culture (Professional Degree) Tourism Management one hundred and fifty-seven seventy-two thirty-six - -
two thousand and twenty-three College of Tourism, History and Culture Discipline Teaching (History) three hundred and forty forty-eight forty-eight seventy-two seventy-two
two thousand and twenty-three law school (Professional degree) Law (Law) three hundred and sixteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three sixty-three
two thousand and twenty-three law school (Professional degree) Law (non law) three hundred and sixteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three sixty-three
two thousand and twenty-three College of Marxism Ideological and political education three hundred and sixteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three sixty-three
two thousand and twenty-three College of Marxism Research on the sinicization of Marxism three hundred and sixteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three sixty-three
two thousand and twenty-three College of Marxism Basic Principles of Marxism three hundred and sixteen forty-two forty-two sixty-three sixty-three
two thousand and twenty-three College of Biological and Geographic Sciences (Professional degree) Resources and environment two hundred and sixty-three thirty-five thirty-five fifty-three fifty-three
two thousand and twenty-three College of Electronics and Engineering Radio physics two hundred and sixty-nine thirty-five thirty-five fifty-three fifty-three
two thousand and twenty-three Chinese Language and Literature Institute (Professional degree) News and Communication three hundred and fifty-three fifty-one fifty-one seventy-seven seventy-seven
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