Graduate student of Chongqing University - postgraduate enrollment of Chongqing University - postgraduate entrance examination of Chongqing University - Zhonggong Research Recruitment Information
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Current location: Home page of research and recruitment information > Chongqing Postgraduate Entrance Examination > Graduate Entrance Examination of Chongqing University

Chongqing University Postgraduate Entrance Examination Hot Search

Chongqing University Popular majors for postgraduate entrance examination

particular year Department name Major code Major name Total score Politics/Subject 1 Foreign Language/Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 contrast
two thousand and twenty-two School of Public Administration 1204Z1 city management three hundred and eighty sixty sixty ninety ninety contrast
two thousand and twenty-two School of Management Science and Real Estate 1201J1 Urban Economy and Strategic Management three hundred and sixty sixty sixty ninety ninety contrast
two thousand and twenty-one School of Management Science and Real Estate one hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and four (Professional degree) Logistics Engineering and Management two hundred and twenty ninety sixty - - contrast
two thousand and twenty-one College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 086000 (Professional degree) Biology and Medicine three hundred and twenty fifty fifty seventy-five seventy-five contrast
two thousand and twenty-one college of art one hundred and thirty-five thousand one hundred and one Music three hundred and sixty fifty fifty one hundred one hundred contrast
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