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A Complete Record of Aksu Hospital

There are 167 hospitals in Aksu, among which Kuqa County People's Hospital, Disease Prevention and Control Center of the First Division of the Corps, Bulong Township Hospital, Chaerqi Township Hospital of Baicheng County, Daqiao Township Central Hospital of Baicheng County, Disease Prevention and Control Center of Baicheng County, Kangqi Township Hospital of Baicheng County, Kizil Township Hospital of Baicheng County, Baicheng County Mijik Township Health Center, Beishierik Health Center.

This ranking is only based on the number of views on this website, without any guarantee of authority. Aksu patients are suggested to select appropriate hospitals and doctors for online consultation, telephone consultation or registration services according to their personal conditions.

Aksu common one hundred and sixty-seven Hospitals.
Can be registered

one two three four five ... fourteen

Aksu Hospital for Related Diseases: Improved Seed Farm Tuowanke Qiaogtale Village Health Room Health Room of Kunqisong Village, Airike Town, Bashi Aksu Maternal and Child Health Hospital Yingbaza Sub district Office Health Service Center Tokuimaris Community Health Service Station Community Health and Family Planning Service Station Aksu Hongguang Community Health Service Station Community Health Service Station on Tabei Road of the First Agricultural Division Yasbashi Community Health Service Station Kelitash Community Health Service Station More hospitals for Aksu related diseases>

Aksu doctors by department: Changlonghai Zhou Qi Minawal Zhang Tao Albuquerque, Suri de Siti Ma Guifang Li Baoshan Zhang Feng Liu Xiaojing Agnesa Abra Chen Wei'an Dou Shuhe Heat than Gulee Jiang Xing Hailiqianmu. Niyazi Yang Chun Zhou Jun Harimolati Turxun Rusuli Zhang Weiwei Muhatawa Jimiti Mulati. Maimaiti More doctors in Aksu related departments>

Aksu Hospital by Department: Cangaldi Community Health Service Station in Wensu Town Xincheng Street Cultural Community Health Service Station Aksu Xiyuan Community Health Service Station Hongqipo Community Health Service Station Xinhe Zhenrester Community Health Service Station Duolang Community Health Service Station Tuanjie Road Community Health Service Station Community Health Service Station in Yingbaza Street, Shaya County Bagka Community Health Service Station in Shaya County Paheta Baza Community Health Service Station More hospitals in Aksu related departments>

Hospitals around Aksu: Urumqi Hospital Karamay Hospital Turpan Hospital Hami Hospital Changji Hospital Bozhou Hospital Bazhou Hospital Kezhou Hospital Kashi Hospital Hotan Hospital Ili Hospital Tacheng Hospital Altay Hospital Shihezi Hospital Alar Hospital Tumushuke Hospital Wujiaqu Hospital More hospitals around Aksu>

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