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Traditional Folk Festivals

http://yuxi.lvyou114.com     2007-02-05 Thank the member Tianshui Wuxiang for providing this information

The traditional folk festival of the Han nationality in Yuxi City was originally the festival of the New Year's God Greeting Competition. It is held from the first day of the first lunar month to the 15th day of February every year. During the festival, rice noodles must be eaten and lanterns must be sung, so it is also called "Rice Noodle Festival" and "Lantern Festival". Now some old feudal superstition customs have disappeared, but the custom of preparing food and wine, rice noodles to entertain daughters and son-in-law, relatives and friends has been passed down from generation to generation.
The Dai Huayao branch living in the valley reba area of Xinping, Yuanjiang and other counties is called the Huayao Dai. The girls of the Huayao Dai like to dye black teeth. They also like to wear silver large earrings, flat bracelets and rings. When they go out, they all wear a special bamboo hat with an upturned edge, half covering their face, and a delicate bamboo basket (called "Yangluo") tied around their waist. "Flower Street Festival" (also known as "Flower Chasing Festival" and "Oriental Valentine's Day") is a grand festival for the young men and women of Huayao Dai nationality to get to know each other, talk about love and choose partners. Huayao Dai's "Flower Street Festival" is held twice a year, including "Small Flower Street" and "Big Flower Street".
Tips: "Xiaohua Street" is on the 13th of the first lunar month. After breakfast, the girls, under the guidance of their mothers, put on their festive costumes, carried the wild apples and gathered at the Fenniu Ferry from all directions. When the young man is interested in a girl, he takes the fragrant purse or flower handkerchief from the embroideries that the girl has placed, and then the girl goes to a quiet place. When the sun turned west, the boys opened their lunch boxes and lovers ate the best dinner of their lives with sweet words. The young man's silver jewelry and the little girl's embroidery are the objects of love. "Dahua Street" is on the sixth day of the fifth lunar month. Young men and women gathered at the Fenniu Ferry. The young man found his sweetheart and came to a quiet place. The girl took out the food made by herself and let her sweetheart eat it. When the sun went down, the two sides decided to tell their parents about their marriage and reluctantly left. If both parties agree, their parents will not stop them. When the age is right, they will choose a lucky day to become a good couple.
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