Drum, kiss and claw

I am not color blind, but my sky is always gray.

speak in a mild tone

No matter your father is strict or kind, no matter you are beside him or far away, without his love, there will be no growth for you, so please bless your father's health forever! Happy Father's Day.

Overreact oneself

Don't try to teach pigs to sing. They will not get any results and make pigs unhappy!


As a father, the greatest pleasure is that he can enlighten and educate his children according to his own path in his lifetime.

Sun Horn and Dragon Face

For life, acceptance is the best gentleness, whether it is to accept a person's appearance or to accept a person's disappearance—— Autumn twilight

Cry out

In the afternoon, the oyster leech called, and soon it would rain heavily.

Thousands of years

People who do not know how to respect others' feelings and do not reply to WeChat must be deleted, which is boring.

To lean on the good and make the beautiful

The moon on the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of you is your sweetheart—— Zhang Ailing

goods are available in all varieties

If one day you find that I always avoid you, please don't lose your temper to me or ignore me. I just care too much for fear of losing

Qi Style Demon King

I want you to know that as long as you run away, I will chase you, no matter where, even in hell, I will chase you!

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