Why are millennial fruits expensive? Is millennial fruit hot or cold- Replay network

Why are millennial fruits expensive? Is millennial fruit hot or cold?

2023-07-07 14:12:59 Source: Taiyuan Hotline

Why the Millennium Fruit Is Expensive

Millennial fruit is a new variety cultivated from the selected varieties of cherry tomatoes. If it is produced in Hainan and Guangdong, the quality of the millennial fruit in Guangdong and Guangxi is poor, and the best one is Lingshui, Hainan. The corresponding listing time can only be from the end of each year to the beginning of the next spring. The millennial fruit is round and red in color, while the virgin fruit is long and yellow in color. Although we hate unscrupulous merchants who name names and raise prices blindly, the difference between the taste of millennial fruit and cherry tomatoes is that they are very sweet from heaven to earth. In terms of nutritional value, the two are similar, but after all, the taste of millennial fruit is much better than that of virgin fruit, so the price is naturally higher than that of virgin fruit.

Is millennial fruit hot or cold

Millennium fruit is a cool food with high nutritional value:

1. Millennial fruit is a kind of cool food, which contains a variety of vitamins and trace elements. It can replenish the middle and replenish qi, moisten the lungs and beautify the face.

2. Millennial fruit is an alkaline food, containing various calcium ions and potassium ions, which can regulate the pH in the body, supplement trace elements, strengthen the stomach, digest food, clear heat and detoxify.

3. The lycopene in Millennium Fruit can promote metabolism and has high nutritional value.

[Editor in charge: h001]

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