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Turok overview

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seven point seven Player rating Evaluation by 7 people

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Dinosaur Hunter is a classic cartoon with great influence in the United States. Originally created by Matthew H. Murphy in 1954, it became one of the most influential cartoons at that time. Later, Acclaim obtained the right to develop the game version of the work, and launched a game on the N64. The sales of this series of games exceeded 5 million sets. This latest work was developed by Propaganda Studio, which was established in January 2005. The developers of the whole team have participated in such famous game works as Galaxy Warrior Prime: Echoes, Prince of Persia, Top Speed Underground Racing, SSX and Thunderhammer IV. The story of this work is the basis of pushing everything forward. The game tells the future hundreds of years later. The former "Black Ops" commando Joseph Turok is the main character. He joined a special forces force with the goal of eliminating Turok's former mentor, who has become a villain. Because of his relationship with evil people, he is always excluded from the team. The team's spaceship was shot down when it passed a genetically modified planet, which was full of dinosaurs and hostile enemies. The game is about the conflict between the protagonist and the enemy on the genetically modified planet. Dinosaurs are neutral. For example, you may hit a dinosaur when you kill the enemy, so that the dinosaur will become angry and make the environment into chaos. As for the behavior of dinosaurs, each dinosaur has its own behavior characteristics. They may track some enemies to use them as food, and other creatures will use dinosaurs as food. They will attack humans and attack each other. Developers have designed a huge world, with seamless integration of various places, including multiple routes, so that players can complete tasks according to their own preferences. The game is not based on the task system. There are usually two or three ways to achieve a goal. One of the most interesting parts of this game is to integrate monsters into the game. Environment and dinosaurs will become your tools, and enemies will become your weapons. You will see how to use T-Rex to knock down huge enemies. The strategic use of monsters and environment is an important way to defeat the enemy in this work. open
Game pictures ( 1 ) more >>
Introduction ( 1 ) more >>
  • Secret Script of Dinosaur Hunter

    DDDNSTBR - Invincible NDNLP - Soul Mode THMSCLS - Get All Weapons LNJHNSN - Ammunition Unlimited RBCHN - Big Head Mode GNNTRTMNT - Map Fully Open JSNCRPNTR - Enemy Smaller CRLSFNDNGS - Color Change MTTSTBBNGTNB - First Pass
    2008-01-31 14:45:07 zero
  • See more

Game review ( 4 ) more >>
My rating: zero [Score by item]

My scoring opinion:

Advantages and disadvantages of the game, at least 5 characters

My rating: zero It's terrible. I guess nobody plays~

Picture: zero
Operation: zero
Sound effect: zero
Irritation: zero
Plot: zero
Impression: zero
Itemized scoring details

My scoring opinion:

Advantages and disadvantages of the game, at least 5 characters
  • Caoya

    Total score: seven

    Comment: As a popular game in Europe and America, blood and violence are indispensable elements. The fierce fight between people and dinosaurs left a deep impression on the players.

  • Look at your thighs

    Total score: six

    Comment: I feel that the operation of the game screen is average, not very good. Maybe I'm used to playing on the PS3

  • chamber pot

    Total score: seven

    Comment: I have been looking forward to the dinosaur hunters of PSP for a long time, but finally I arrived, and I was not disappointed

  • Activation code

    Total score: seven

    Comment: It's a very good game in effect. I think the picture of dinosaurs is not real enough, but it's very good on the whole