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Adhere to ecological priority, conservation and intensive, green and low-carbon development

Remarkable achievements have been made in energy conservation and carbon reduction in Yunnan Province

May 20, 2024 08:29 | Source: Yunnan Daily
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● By the end of 2023, the installed capacity of hydropower will be 82 million kilowatts, ranking the second in China

● Last year, 14.407 million kilowatts of centralized PV was added, ranking first in China

● The newly built green building area in cities and towns last year was 54.297 million square meters, accounting for 99.2% of the newly built building area in cities and towns

● Party and government organizations above the county level have built 7446 conservation oriented organizations, accounting for 87%, exceeding the national phased task target

Since the "14th Five Year Plan", Yunnan Province has adhered to ecological priority, conservation and intensive, green and low-carbon development, fully implemented the construction of a strong green energy province, actively and steadily promoted carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and promoted resource conservation and intensive utilization. The province has achieved remarkable results in energy conservation and carbon reduction.

From 2021 to 2023, the province's energy conservation goals have reached a sequential progress, and the country's mid-term assessment result of Yunnan Province is Grade A, which will be commended in a circular. The construction of energy-saving standard system and monitoring platform has been continuously strengthened. Since the 14th Five Year Plan, Yunnan Province has issued 20 local energy-saving standards, and 1076 key energy users across the province have access to the online energy consumption monitoring system.

Vigorously promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the energy industry. By the end of 2023, the installed power generation capacity of the province has exceeded 130 million kilowatts, of which the installed green power accounts for nearly 89% and the green power generation accounts for nearly 86%, respectively 37 and 53 percentage points higher than the national average, saving more than 300 million tons of standard coal and reducing about 800 million tons of carbon emissions. We continued to promote the construction of hydropower bases such as Toba and Xulong. Wudongde and Baihetan national hydropower stations were completed and put into operation with high quality. The installed capacity of hydropower in the province was 82 million kilowatts, ranking second in the country. In 2023, the province's centralized photovoltaic system will add 14.407 million kilowatts, and the scale of new grid connected production will rank first in the country.

Continue to deepen the deep integration of green energy and advanced manufacturing. Relying on the advantages of green energy, mineral resources, etc., Yunnan Province adheres to the principle of "optimizing electricity and utilization", formulates high-quality development measures for industries such as green aluminum, silicon photovoltaic, new energy batteries, and speeds up the chain extension and compensation. In 2023, the contribution rate to the growth of industries above the designated size will reach 54.1%, and the high-tech manufacturing industry will grow by 21.5%, promoting the industry from traditional industries to traditional industries and strategic emerging industries "two wheel drive" Change.

Steadily promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction field. In 2023, the new green building area in cities and towns of the province will be 54.297 million square meters, accounting for 99.2% of the new building area in cities and towns. Promote the certification and engineering application of green building materials. In 2023, the province will add 44 green building materials certification, and cultivate 7 national and 23 provincial prefabricated building industry bases.

Accelerate energy conservation and carbon reduction in transportation. Yunnan Province regards the "transit from public transport to railway transport" as a major production and operation task, and speeds up the optimization and adjustment of the provincial transport structure and the high-quality development of freight transport. The railway freight volume and channel construction capacity have been steadily improved, and the proportion of road transport of bulk freight has declined significantly. The port transportation structure was continuously optimized, and the waterway freight volume of the province was significantly increased.

Carry out resource conservation and green low-carbon transformation actions of public institutions. The installed capacity of the distributed photovoltaic power generation projects that have been built and are under construction by public institutions in the province is 655.13 MW, the estimated annual power generation is 673 million kWh, and the annual carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by 6193.32 tons. Nine units, including the Provincial People's Procuratorate and Kunming Municipal Office Affairs Administration, were included in the list of national green and low-carbon public institutions, and nine units, including Lijiang Municipal Office Affairs Bureau, were established as national public institution water efficiency leaders. The party and government organs at or above the county level in the province have completed a total of 7446 conservation oriented organs, accounting for 87% of the total, exceeding the national phased task target.

It is understood that Yunnan Province will continue to promote green and low-carbon development based on reality and actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. We will strengthen resource conservation, intensive and efficient use, and accelerate energy conservation and carbon reduction in key areas such as industry, construction, transportation, public institutions, and data centers. Accelerate the building of a green low-carbon supply chain, continue to build a zero carbon park, and strengthen the application of green electricity and green certificates. Deeply promote the construction of a strong green energy province, and promote the development of "integration of scenery, water, fire and storage" and "integration of source, network, load and storage". We will accelerate the low-carbon transformation of industries, accelerate the R&D, promotion and application of green and low-carbon advanced technologies, and further explore the "two mountains" transformation model in Yunnan. (Hu Xiaorong)

(Editor in charge: Xu Qian, Mu Shengyu)

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