Lu Liang

Lu Liang's "accurate drip irrigation" training improves the quality and enables the grass-roots police

Luliang County Public Security Bureau, focusing on the big competition activity of "doing well, walking in the forefront, and standing bravely at the forefront", carried out the "precise drip irrigation" training activity at the grass-roots level under the rule of law, to provide a strong guarantee for promoting the standardization, rule of law, and normalization of public security work throughout the county.

Lu Liang: "Campus Direct Train" to the People

In today's new immigrant villages, small western-style houses are well arranged in a uniform style. The roads are lined with trees on both sides. The roads are hardened and straight to each door. The roads are clean and tidy. New basketball courts, small squares and leisure corridors are available. In the new village at night, in the pavilions and squares, the residents talked and laughed, and their life was full of happiness.

Lu Liang Carries out 2023 Earthquake Relief Emergency Drill

How to comprehensively test the emergency rescue ability and level of the whole county, accelerate the construction of earthquake emergency rescue team, and improve the earthquake disaster response ability? On May 23, Luliang County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, carried out the 2023 earthquake relief emergency drill. 26 units including the county emergency management bureau, the health bureau, the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, and the fire rescue brigade, relevant personnel from villages and towns, and more than 500 surrounding people participated in the drill or observation activities.