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The 5th Yunnan Youth Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance, Innovation and Development Forum was held

In order to further explore new ideas and methods for the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, and further promote the academic development and practice of young Chinese medicine in Yunnan Province, the 5th Yunnan Youth Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance, Innovation and Development Forum was held in Kunming on May 18. With the theme of "Inheriting glory, young Chinese medicine forge ahead", the forum attracted nearly 200 experts and scholars in the field of Chinese medicine and young Chinese medicine practitioners from inside and outside the province.

Lincang: "medical reform" makes people more "medical reliant"

Lincang seized the opportunity that 8 counties and districts in the city were listed as the pilot reform of county medical community by the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, formulated an implementation plan to comprehensively promote the construction of a compact county medical and health service community, and further promoted the improvement of quality and efficiency of the compact county medical community. The 8 counties and districts respectively set up the general hospital of the medical community, comprehensively integrate the medical resources of the county, integrate the disease control, maternity and children, traditional Chinese medicine and township and village medical institutions into the general hospital of the medical community for management, systematically carry out basic medical care and basic public health services, coordinate to promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources, and significantly improve the ability of grass-roots disease prevention and treatment, health management and governance.

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