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Shenzhen's top luxury houses sold 10 billion migrant workers in 3 hours of opening, and people are crying with envy!!

17:36, June 29, 2024 Source: Shenzhen Hong Kong Online Comprehensive
[Shenzhen's top luxury houses sold 10 billion yuan in three hours of opening] Shenzhen is indeed a gathering place of rich people, so you can buy luxury houses when you want! The migrant workers cried with envy!!

Top luxury houses in Shenzhen sold 10 billion yuan in three hours

[Shenzhen's top luxury houses sold 10 billion yuan in three hours of opening] Shenzhen is indeed a gathering place of rich people, so you can buy luxury houses when you want! The migrant workers cried with envy!!

On June 28, the opening of the China Shipping Shenwan Jiuxu Project, located in the Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, saw the first batch of 293 residences launched, with a ratio of 1:1.76. According to the developer, the collection on the opening day reached 10.02 billion yuan.

Previously, 516 batches of customers' house selection numbers have been lotterized. Today's opening adopts the method of online house selection+offline contract signing, which is also the best property in Shenzhen so far this year.

It is understood that the houses launched by Zhonghai Shenwan Jiuxu this time are in Block A, B and C of Block 2, and there are three main types of houses, which are about 196 square meters, 252 square meters and 328 square meters of large flat floor houses. In addition, there are a small number of top duplex houses with an area of more than 400 square meters.

The above is the related content of "Shenzhen's top luxury houses sold 10 billion yuan in three hours of opening". For more information, please pay attention to Shenzhen Hong Kong Online.

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