How to join the Craftsman's Club Smart Craftsman?

2020-09-14 16:18:42   Source: China Franchise Network   609 people participated
  • Business Scope: Robot
  • Number of stores: 400
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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With its consumer level fighting robot product "steel riding robot" and the "human-machine integration" motion and body feeling control technology, the Smart Craftsman of the Craftsmen's Club is the unicorn of the children's robot sports experience project and has a broad blue ocean market. The advanced technology, novel robot shape, somatosensory control mode, interactive play system and immersive experience scene with strong sense of technology in the project endow it with strong competitiveness in this new market.

The Smart Craftsman project has been popular with parents and children and welcomed by the market since it was launched online, and investment attraction and alliance are under way! So, what is the threshold for joining? What conditions need to be met to join?

1. Legal person or natural person with legal qualification

2. Have certain economic strength and entrepreneurial spirit (100000 to 500000 yuan)

3. Have a site area (20-50 square meters) that meets the company's requirements

4. Recognize and accept the company's cooperation requirements and management

5. Have certain relevant resources and channels in the local area

Introduction to the joining process of Smart Craftsman

Project consultation - cooperation application - company review - contract payment - site selection and certification - decoration design - recruitment training - opening guidance - follow-up support services.

The vast blue ocean needs to be developed, has a bright future, and has a super high output value. It is urgent to seize the first opportunity!!!

 Ubel Science Museum
  • five hundred and sixty-nine people Pay attention to mother, baby and children
  • six thousand two hundred and ninety-seven people Consultation with mother, baby and child

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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