Franchise expenses of Shanghai Yuesao Company

2016-08-03 12:58:22   Source: China Franchise Network   10543 people participated
  • Scope of business: maternal and infant care services, confinement club, postpartum repair, residence
  • Number of stores: 50
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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   It has been half a year since the implementation of the new policy of fully opening up the second child, and I learned from the domestic market that the first batch of Erbao born after the policy will be born next month. According to industry estimates, after the full opening up of the second child, the demand for Shanghai's monthly sister-in-law is likely to explode in the first two years of the opening up. In order to enable more Erbao families and expectant mothers to enjoy the service of the sister-in-law, some domestic service companies have even launched a new "day by day sister-in-law". It can be seen that the market for sister-in-law in Shanghai is in short supply.

 Yuesao Company

   The tight market demand brings infinite business opportunities, but the supply still falls short of demand. As a result, joining a sister in law company in Shanghai has been put on the agenda by many smart candidates. To join and start a business, the first problem is Shanghai Joined by Yuesao Company How much is it? What are the general expenses? This is a matter of general concern and urgency. Here, I take my wife as an example to give you a brief explanation about the joining expenses of Shanghai Yuesao Company.

   I love my wife, a well-known brand of maternal and infant services in China, focusing on professional nursing and peripheral services for mothers and infants. Founded in 2008, it has been committed to providing good and considerate housekeeping services for consumers since its inception. It has prioritized the development of standardized service specifications in the industry, and has created technology in a number of nursing technologies, which are deeply loved by consumers. Now, the brand of "I Love My Wife" is developing more and more. The number of franchise stores has grown to hundreds, and the market reputation is very good. I love my wife has become a real famous brand of Yuesao.

 Yuesao Company

   How much is the joining fee of Shanghai Yuesao Company? Take my wife, who has a store area of 120 square meters, as an example. The cost of smart choice is roughly as follows: the rent is 30000 yuan/month+the decoration cost is 90 discounts/square meters+the equipment cost is 80000 yuan+the first purchase cost is 50000 yuan+the advertising and publicity cost is 40000 yuan+the opening cost is 30000 yuan+the staff salary is 300 discounts/month/person (12 people)+the working capital is 200000 yuan, and the total smart choice is about 574000 yuan.

   Of course, the cost of the above smart choice is estimated for reference only. The specific franchise fees may be different from the actual situation, and also related to the location in Shanghai. For more detailed franchise information, please contact the headquarters of Yuesao Company.

   With the above introduction, I believe you have a preliminary understanding of the joining expenses of Shanghai Yuesao Company. As an international metropolis, when joining Yuesao Company in Shanghai, a lot of expenses should be paid in terms of front room rent and employee wages. However, in Shanghai Kaiyusao Company, the demand is continuous and the cashier is huge, which is undeniable. Therefore, despite a lot of investment, there is still an endless stream of franchisees. If you are also interested in this golden project, then go for it!

label: Joined in Yuesao Store Joined by Fengshui Company Hefei Yuesao Training School Joined by Yuesao Company
 Ubel Science Museum
  • six hundred and eighteen people Pay attention to mother, baby and children
  • six thousand two hundred and ninety-seven people Consultation with mother, baby and child

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