A Buddhist boss wanted to open a store, but Fu, a teacher who has been in the business for 10 years, said

2024-06-13 15:30:52   Source: Global franchise network   458 people participated
  • Business scope: infantile massage, umbilical moxibustion, spinal column maintenance, pain conditioning
  • Number of stores: 2000
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
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A friend, Zui, is preparing to open a children's massage shop.

The store is small, about 20 square meters, and the monthly rent is 3000 yuan. It is near the kindergarten in the community. It mainly does children's massage.

She said that she had learned 10 days of infantile massage. Although she had no experience in opening a store, she would make a profit if she could do it well. If she lost, she would buy an experience.

I also consulted many people——

Someone said:

Be careful when opening a shop. Children can be big or small, Parents have high requirements and it is not easy to do.

In addition, from the location of the store, the kindergarten has winter and summer vacations, and school leaves early. There are many holidays, and the flow of people seems to be very large. However, many elderly people are picked up and sent off from generation to generation, and they can't meet real parents.

Someone said:

No matter how competitive the industry is, some people will make a fortune. The market is like this. No matter how good the air outlet is, some people will be annoyed and others will be worried.

Want to open a massage health store, Only when you are in it can you know that it is easy to open a shop, but difficult to operate. It is really important to do a good job in business management!

Someone said:

The great competitiveness of the massage store Zui is the effect.

But if the customer does well in your home, it does not mean that other stores are not as effective as you, nor does it mean that the customer will not go to other stores. So we must improve our core competitiveness.

In order to improve the core competitiveness, what Zui needs is that the boss knows the development trend of the industry.

So how can Fast, accurate and comprehensive To understand the new development trends of zui in an industry?

Preferred way: to participate in reliable industry offline societies.

Shandong is recommended nationwide, and Qingdao is recommended by Shandong.

Maihetang brand will hold the Mid Year Summit of the Mass Health Industry and the 4th Anniversary of Maihetang brand in Qingdao from June 12 to 14. The offline actual investigation, technology+operation+online traffic, is only to solve the problems that Zui, the current boss, cares about.

This meeting is specially invited——

Liang Zifeng, a scholar who inherits and innovates the theory of syndrome differentiation of paste prescriptions

Zhang Sichao, a visiting expert in Zhonglu Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Xu Chuangeng, Professor of Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Xu Sihai, co-founder of Maihetang brand

Maihetang brand chief technology+operation lecturer team

Bring industry level academic sharing to everyone.

The courses are rich and comprehensive, covering conditioning technology/project training for children to adults, and store drainage and order upgrading operation training.

<Free participation>,

Come to the official account/video number: Maihetang brand management to register!

Someone said:

It is "difficult" to open a massage health center, which requires not only various complicated procedures, You have to polish yourself.

You must not only be able to recuperate your body, but also be able to operate, because even if you are skilled, you may also suffer from "the fragrance of wine is also afraid of the depth of the alley".

Although good effect is the "life" of the massage health center, when others are adding to the "effect", If our products and services do not keep pace with the times, how can we compete with others?

The threshold of the pediatric massage industry is not low, and the more you know, the more awe you will have. Bosses who want to open stores must do a good job in planning and preparation.

Want to open a store,

Never fight unprepared battles!

With the booming development of the mass health industry, massage health stores have become the preferred items in the minds of many entrepreneurs.

However, how can we successfully manage a pediatric massage store?

First, control costs. Zui is good at what suits you.

If you want to make a profit, you must consider the cost, such as site selection, decoration, employees, products, etc.

The choice of large and comprehensive, or small and beautiful, mainly depends on whether it is suitable for you and how strong you are.

Small and beautiful, with small investment and less risk, to a certain extent, it is easier to be accepted by ordinary people, allowing you to focus on store management and create individuation and differentiation.

Second, build core competitiveness.

In the case of equal projects/services/effects, if you want to surpass your competitors, you must improve your core competitiveness.

First of all, we should sort out the customer files, develop and maintain customers at different levels. The so-called "old customers win the world", carefully maintain the old customers, and get more customers through the old. We should know that it is easy to get customers, but not easy to keep customers.

Secondly, develop more value-added services, and quickly optimize your own conditioning project services according to needs.

For example, whether it is necessary to set up special rhinitis adenoid conditioning projects, vision maintenance projects, and adolescent spine maintenance projects;

Whether to graft mother child coherence, adult recuperation, gynecological recuperation, pain recuperation, health care, etc.

Third, create a suitable business model.

Many people go to massage health centers not only to recuperate their physical sub-health, but especially in recent years, the young health care army has "sprung up", and their demand for services in stores has gradually diversified. In addition to recuperating the body, physical and mental healing, health care and relaxation are also popular items.

When you are not satisfied and your competitors are doing well, what will you do to retain consumers?

Therefore, bosses must base on their own advantages, find their own business model, take customer needs as the premise, constantly improve service quality, sense of experience, optimize the conditioning process, and make the massage health center a reliable massage health store that can regulate the body, prevent disease, and spread word of mouth within the region.

Want to open a store,

Their own skills should be excellent!

The only way to master excellent technology is that the technology here is not only the TCM level of the bosses, but also the store operation skills.

Offline learning and teaching practice not only attach importance to systematic TCM theory teaching, but also pay more attention to practical shop operations.

Teaching theory without practice is not a good way to learn children's massage. Practical teaching and learning is a good learning method for those who have no foundation, and it is also the basis for successful store opening!

If you want to open a store, you should first learn how to open it, which is the basis for successful store opening.

Here is a free learning channel for owners who want to open stores,

Help you understand how Zui's popular mainstream health massage and health stores in the market increase profits——

[Maihetang Brand Health Industry Midyear Summit

And the 4th Anniversary Celebration of Maihetang Brand]

June 12-14 | Qingdao

[Maihetang Brand National Empowerment Association]

June 26-28 | Guangzhou

<Free participation>,

Come to the official account/video number: Maihetang brand management to register!

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