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      Everyone learns first aid for everyone -- Baisha Town carries out emergency rescue knowledge training for government agencies and enterprises

      Released at 09:06:34 on November 17, 2023-17, Long term effective , 69 Browse
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    November 10, 2023-10 Issuing agency: Yingde Municipal People's Government Portal

    In order to further enhance the awareness of disaster prevention and risk avoidance, the ability to handle emergencies and the professional skills of self rescue and mutual rescue of Baisha Town government cadres, workers and the masses, Baisha Town government has carried out two sessions of training courses for Red Cross rescuers to obtain evidence, and organized more than 170 people to participate in the training in Lihui Hardware and Plastic Products Co., Ltd. and Baisha Town government from November 8 to 9.

    Deepen emergency rescue training to escort people's health

    At the opening ceremony, Lan Wenhao, member of the Party Committee of Baisha Town, made a mobilization speech. He pointed out that the purpose of emergency rescue knowledge training is to improve the emergency handling ability and first aid skills of the town's cadres, workers and the masses. Students should cherish this learning opportunity, and pass on their knowledge to more people around while improving their ability to deal with emergencies and self and mutual rescue, To protect the health and safety of the masses in Baisha Town. Lan Wenhao, member of the Party Committee of Baisha Town, made a mobilization speech. jpg

    Explain first aid knowledge and grasp first aid essentials

    At the training site, lecturer Wu Jiahui identified and treated common diseases in daily life, such as "cardiopulmonary resuscitation" for respiratory and cardiac arrest, "Heimlich" first-aid method for adults and infants with tracheal foreign body obstruction, triangular bandage method for trauma, and transportation method for injured people Interactive simulation and student practice show how to rescue correctly and strive for "golden rescue time" for patients. Training Instructor.png

    Practical assessment "rescue" at hand

    Under the guidance of the lecturer, the trainees experienced and assessed first-aid skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillator AED equipment operation on site. The atmosphere of the training site was warm and the trainees were enthusiastic. At the end of the training, the participants felt satisfied. "This training is very meaningful. It is full of dry goods. We will share the first aid knowledge we have learned to people around us, so that more people can know and master it, and save lives when it is critical." The trainees carried out practical experience and assessment. png

    Through a day of professional training and practical assessment, nearly 140 people in Baisha Town passed the exam. "Everyone learns first aid and first aid is for everyone". Baisha Town will continue to promote emergency rescue knowledge to thousands of households, guide the masses to become participants, supporters and beneficiaries of emergency rescue, and jointly contribute to the safety, health and high-quality development of Baisha.

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     Everyone learns first aid for everyone -- Baisha Town carries out emergency rescue knowledge training for government agencies and enterprises  Everyone learns first aid for everyone -- Baisha Town carries out emergency rescue knowledge training for government agencies and enterprises  Everyone learns first aid for everyone -- Baisha Town carries out emergency rescue knowledge training for government agencies and enterprises

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