Yangguang Farm, Yingchengzi Town, Yitong Manchu Autonomous County
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  • The fattening effect of 400 jin Simmental cows is good, big and fat is less

    Source: Yangguang Farm, Yingchengzi Town, Yitong Manchu Autonomous County Time: 2024-06-27 11:18:29 [Report]

    "Our current breeding scale is 125 heads, and the main variety is Simmental. We sold 80 heads in the first half of the year, with an output value of 2 million yuan. Our next plan is to expand the scale to more than 200 heads, and at the same time drive our surrounding villagers to provide them with feed and breeding technology, so as to drive our surrounding villagers to become rich together. The fattening effect of Simmental cows with a weight of 400 jin is good. They are large in size and less in fat.

    Hello, my friends. It's September 2, 2023

    I want to convey a simple and clear point to you. If you still insist on cattle raising, please don't wait and see

    Now the cattle shop is showing signs of rising. The price of slaughtering fattened cattle has reached 15 to 16 in some places

    This is the real situation. The trading markets of major bulls are near, and the number of listed and traded bulls is also very popular

    The cattle industry is rising steadily, which is great news for our farmers. Similarly, the rising price of fattened cattle also drives the rising price of calves

    It's normal for a calf to increase by three or five hundred. With the steady increase of the price of fat cattle, the price of calves will increase even more. The price after autumn may be eight hundred and one thousand higher than that now

    A large farmer with a price of eight hundred and one thousand cattle will spend one hundred and eighty thousand more to raise one hundred cattle, which is also a large amount

    So I suggest that friends who need to fill the hurdles should stop waiting and see. Now it's just a matter of saving money to fill the hurdles

    "Our current breeding scale is 125 heads, and the main variety is Simmental. We sold 80 heads in the first half of the year, with an output value of 2 million yuan. Our next plan is to expand the scale to more than 200 heads, and at the same time drive our surrounding villagers to provide them with feed and breeding technology, so as to drive our surrounding villagers to become rich together.

    The commonly used feedstuffs for beef cattle are divided into 8 categories, namely green feed, roughage, silage, energy feed, protein feed, mineral feed, vitamin feed and additive feed. Here are three types of feed commonly used for beef cattle breeding:

    1、 Roughage for beef cattle

    Coarse feed is characterized by wide resources and low cost. Its nutritional value is low, because its protein content is low, and its protein content is 2% - 20%, while its crude fiber content is high, which is 20% - 45%. The sources of roughage can be divided into three categories:

    (1) Green hay, which is made of herbage, wild grass or other plants with thin stems, can be dried naturally (in the sun) or manually (by baking) until it can be stored for a long time. Green hay is the roughage of beef cattle. Generally, grass hay contains 6% - 9% protein, and legume alfalfa hay contains 15% protein, even more than cereal concentrate.

    (2) Straw feed refers to the stalks of various crops after harvesting seeds, including stems and leaves. This kind of feed includes wheat straw, rice straw, soybean straw, corn straw, etc.

    (3) Hull feedstuff refers to the by-products of crop threshing and milling, including the lemma of seeds, pod shells, and some shriveled seeds, such as wheat bran and pod skins.

    2、 Green fodder for beef cattle

    It includes natural wild grass, cultivated forage, mowing crops, available fresh leaves, etc. This kind of feed is rich in protein, generally up to 8%. It is also the main source of multi vitamins. Every kilogram of grass contains 50-80 mg carotene, vitamin b, vitamin c, e, k, etc., and calcium, potassium and other basic elements are also rich.

    At the same time, green fodder is also the main way for livestock to absorb water. Green fodder has good palatability, high digestibility and utilization rate, and can meet the intake of cattle.

    3、 Silage for beef cattle

    It is made of fresh forage crops, pasture, wild grass, corn straw, various vines, etc., which are cut up and put into a silo or a silage tower, and fermented by microorganisms.

    The advantage of silage is that some nutrients can be preserved for 2-3 years or longer, and the forage can be supplied evenly throughout the year. In addition, through microbial fermentation, a large amount of lactic acid and odor are produced, which is palatable and digestible.

    Share the story of becoming rich through breeding

    Wang Fei was not satisfied with the result. He did not forget his fellow villagers. After the fight against poverty started, Wang Fei responded to the call. At the same time, the villagers become rich together, expand the scale of breeding, farmers' income level, and actively guide the villagers to join the farm. Other villagers are not enough. Wang Fei helps the villagers and teaches them breeding techniques.

    In recent years, Jiuchang Village, Chuntan Street, Anlong County has encouraged and guided a group of farmers to set up family farms with moderate scale, intensive production and obvious benefits and build standardized livestock and poultry farms around the development of cattle raising industry by helping farmers to obtain assistance funds, improve infrastructure, and give technical guidance.

    In order to develop beef cattle breeding into a leading industry to drive economic development, the town has made great efforts to develop beef cattle breeding industry according to local conditions and opportunities. With the help of large farmers, we will build a demonstration base for beef cattle breeding, turn decentralized breeding into large-scale breeding, and drive people to increase their income and become rich. It has formed an industrial benefit linkage mechanism of "town owned, village owned characteristic industries, and household owned income increasing main businesses".

    Label: 400kg

Company Information

  • Yangguang Farm, Yingchengzi Town, Yitong Manchu Autonomous County
  • Mobile phone has been certified
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    Checked by Tianyan
  • 2 days
  • Sunshine Cattle Farm
  • Individual businesses
  • 2016-04-22
  • Beef cattle
  • Jilin Siping Yingchengzi Town, Yitong County, Siping, Jilin

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President Han


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Name: Yangguang Farm, Yingchengzi Town, Yitong Manchu Autonomous County
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Address: Yingchengzi Town, Yitong County, Siping, Jilin
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Beef cattle

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