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      Chen Zhiqiang, a good man in Yunfu: Loyalty writing, passion, interpretation and dedication

      Released at 13:54:30 on November 15, 2023-15, Long term effective , 125 browsing
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    Chen Zhiqiang, the current political instructor of Yunan County Yihuan East Road Fire Rescue Station, loves his post and works hard, serves the people wholeheartedly, and makes silent contributions to the fire cause with his youth. In the second quarter of 2023, in the list of "Yunfu Good People", he won the title of "Yunfu Good People" in the category of dedication and dedication.

    Chen Zhiqiang joined the fire brigade in December 2008 and spent 15 years in the front line of fire rescue. He has been conscientious, taking the team as his home, rooted in the grass-roots front line, and participated in fire rescue for more than 3000 times, rescued 300 trapped people and evacuated more than 1000 people.

    Chen Zhiqiang never slackens his training work. When the task is heavy, he will use the noon break to strengthen his physical strength. The wind, rain and hot sun cannot stop his training. In 2022, he participated in the first quarter physical contest of the municipal fire rescue detachment, and won the first place in the total score of the city's fire commander group with full scores of all physical items. After 15 years of hard work, he has been praised by his superiors many times for his remarkable achievements in various work.

    Lu Xingyu, firefighter of the fire rescue station on Yihuan East Road, Yunan County

    Instructor Chen Zhiqiang is the secretary of the Party branch of our fire station. We all admire him very much. He is an outstanding person in the training field. He always shares his experience with us. In the office, he always works overtime until late at night. For the sake of this collective effort, every commander in the fire station targets him, We constantly strive towards our own goals, hoping to surpass him one day.

    Chen Zhiqiang always rushes ahead, silently interpreting the role of a party branch secretary as a "head goose". Under his leadership, the "Party Pioneer Studio" has become more dynamic, and has successively developed four innovative fire-fighting equipment serving the actual combat, including "portable mobile lighting group", "portable fishing hook", "bracket positioning device for climbing fire engines" and "rubber boat warning light", and has obtained national patents, effectively improving the efficiency of fire fighting and rescue. During his tenure, Chen Zhiqiang's branch was rated as an advanced grass-roots party organization by Guangdong Fire Rescue Corps for three consecutive years, and was rated as a grass-roots construction pacesetter fire rescue station by Guangdong Fire Rescue Corps for two consecutive years.

    Chen Zhiqiang, Political Instructor of the Fire Rescue Station on Yihuan East Road, Yunan County

    "The cloud floating good man" is a moral benchmark recognized by all walks of life and the people, and a model leader of civilized morality. This honor is an affirmation as well as a responsibility and encouragement for me. In the future work, I will work harder, constantly improve my professional quality and skill level, train my excellent skills, and continue to contribute my best to the fire rescue team with high morale, full enthusiasm, and solid style.

    Prepared by: Peng Peng

    First instance: Ge Siqi

    Second instance: Li Ziming

    Third instance: Wu Meihui

    When contacting me, please tell me that you saw it on the website of Cloud Goodman. Thank you! Please remember the permanent URL: http://www.yunhaoren.com

    Initial website: http://yf.yunhaoren.com/2023nianhaorenbang/20946.html
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