Metallurgical charge Coke charge Market price of Lu'an coke Free release of coke charge information

Market price of Lu'an coke

Updated: 2024-09-23 04:22:44 No.: 2a2orq4n3d3739
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Yang Guangyuan

fifteen billion two hundred and forty-seven million three hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifteen

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Market price of Lu'an coke

Phosphorus content in coke: The phosphorus content of metallurgical coke for ironmaking should be less than 0.02-0.03%.
Ash content in coke: The ash content of coke has a significant impact on blast furnace smelting. The coke ash content increases by 1%, and the coke consumption increases by 2-2.5%. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the coke ash content.

Metallurgical coke is a general term for blast furnace coke, cast coke, ferroalloy coke and non-ferrous metal smelting coke. Since more than 90% of metallurgical coke is used for blast furnace ironmaking, blast furnace coke is often called metallurgical coke. The metallurgical coke quality standard (GB/T1996-2003) formulated by China is the blast furnace quality standard.

The important thing of price analysis is to study the relationship between supply and demand. The relationship between supply and demand refers to the relationship between commodity supply and demand under the condition of market economy, which is the reflection of the relationship between production and consumption on the market. When supply exceeds demand, its price falls, and vice versa. At the same time, prices in turn will affect supply and demand. That is, when prices rise, supply will increase and demand will decrease. Conversely, demand will rise and supply will decrease. Therefore, prices and supply and demand affect each other.

The impact of national policies on prices is obvious. With the promotion of energy conservation and emission reduction, many small coal mines have been closed, and coal supply will still be tight, so coal prices will rise, which will inevitably drive up the price of coke. The national import and export policy, especially the tariff policy, is an important means to balance the domestic supply and demand by adjusting the import and export costs of commodities to control the import and export volume of a commodity. In addition, the large-scale integration of the coal industry in Shanxi Province and the national adjustment of export tariff rates are all factors that promote the price increase of coke. Accelerating the elimination of backward coking capacity in provinces will also tighten supply.

At present, the coke market has abundant resources, the steel mills are not active in purchasing, and the steel mills are still not optimistic about the later steel market. At the same time, the price of coking coal continues to operate at a high level. The local main coking clean coal in Shanxi is about 1200 yuan/ton. As far as the whole country is concerned, many coking enterprises are forced to significantly limit production. Some enterprises have stopped production, and the range of production limit is more than 50%. Some small coking plants only maintain coke oven temperature.

Coke is mainly used for blast furnace ironmaking and blast furnace smelting of copper, lead, zinc, titanium, antimony, mercury and other non-ferrous metals, as reducing agent, heating agent and column skeleton. The use of coke instead of charcoal in ironmaking blast furnace has laid the foundation for the large-scale modern blast furnace and is a major milestone in the history of metallurgy. In order to achieve better technical and economic indicators for blast furnace operation, smelting coke (metallurgical coke) has appropriate chemical and physical properties, including thermal properties during smelting. Coke is not only widely used in iron making and non-ferrous metal smelting (metallurgical coke), but also used in casting, chemical industry, calcium carbide and ferroalloy. Its quality requirements are different. For example, foundry coke generally requires large particle size, low porosity, high fixed carbon and low sulfur content; Coke for chemical gasification is not strictly required for strength, but requires good reactivity and high ash melting point; The fixed carbon content of coke for calcium carbide production shall be increased as much as possible. The following are the detailed uses of different coke sizes

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Wuhai Jinhao Trading Co., Ltd
  • Yang Guangyuan
  • Wuhai, Inner Mongolia
  • limited company
  • 2021-10-08
  • chemical products
  • Anhydrous calcium chloride, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate
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Yang Guangyuan: fifteen billion two hundred and forty-seven million three hundred and twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifteen Let the seller contact me