Self service website building package V8 engine

We independently developed a highly scalable self-service website building system to keep up with the functional requirements of e-commerce websites of the times. The premise of intelligence is no longer limited to functions. Good creativity requires a computing tool.
  • Visual layout

    -Drag layout/free page layout

    -The style design is detailed to each element

    -Multi end shared data style independent

    -Integrate various cool opening animations

    -Support HTML, customized by JS

  • Enterprise website

    -Article management system

    -Product management system

    -Custom Form

    -Custom Column

    -Other systems

  • E-commerce mall website

    -Group competition, seckill, etc

    -Customer service system, receipt

    -Public account

    -Applet Mall

  • Ultimate Portal

    -Multi user Mall

    -Multi user portal

    -Portal function module

  • Easy Display

    Suitable for enterprise display and publicity website

    PC+mobile station drag layout

    Send one secondary domain name

    Give away 180 yuan of 1G smart website space

    It is suitable for building experience website

    Pure display and publicity enterprise website

    Buy two get one free, buy three get two free

    three hundred and eighty RMB/start

    Buy Now
  • Standard Enterprise Edition

    Professional enterprise independent brand official website

    PC+mobile phone+microstation

    Send a top-level domain name worth 68 yuan

    A 5G smart website space worth 388 yuan

    Enterprise website suitable for standard promotion

    Simple online shopping and online payment

    Buy two get one free, buy three get two free

    five hundred and eighty RMB/start

    Buy Now
  • Shop version

    Professional mall system

    PC+mobile phone+microsite+applet professional version

    Send a top-level domain name worth 68 yuan

    Send a value of 688 yuan 10G smart website space

    Full function online shopping mall


    Buy two get one free, buy three get two free

    one thousand eight hundred and eighty RMB/start

    Buy Now
  • Ultimate pro

    Suitable for small portal construction

    Smart door type website has rich functions

    Send a top-level domain name worth 68 yuan

    20G smart website space with a value of 1888 yuan

    Suitable for interactive portals


    Buy two get one free, buy three get two free

    two thousand eight hundred and eighty RMB/start

    Buy Now

Cloud intelligent station building technology

Jinchan station building system vue3 two-way data binding visual layout system V4.0

Web design is a relatively complex process. A complete web page takes a long time to complete development, which requires graphic PS plotting and slicing, HTML front-end designer layout (DIV+CSS), and JS code development and writing.

The blog community front-end visual layout system realizes a fully customized, WYSIWYG non code front-end development tool. Greatly improve the speed of web design. A visual layout device, which cuts some commonly used web pages into functional blocks (such as text blocks, picture blocks, news lists, product columns), and then places some blocks in jigsaw or drag and drop mode to any position according to the current web page requirements. Quickly spell out a web page. The overall style of these blocks and the style of HTML sub elements inside the blocks can be freely defined.

A perfect design tool needs comprehensive kernel function support. Jinchan modularizes common website functions (enterprises, e-commerce and marketing, portals), freely configures form functions, and defines any component as a function of its own special needs.

We firmly believe that every enterprise in China should have a website with soul, which not only publishes enterprise products and enterprise information furnishings, but also is a marketing website with enterprise characteristics, interactive, marketable, investigable and communicative.

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Adding bricks and tiles for station construction

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contact us
If you need a website design company that exceeds your expectations, and if you need a work team that can cooperate and trust for a long time, please contact us. We look forward to your call, thank you!